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单词 cast
释义 cast1 /ka: st US: kaest; kaest/ vt, vi (pt, pp cast) 1 [VP6A, 15A, B] throw; allow to fall or drop: 投; 掷; 抛; 脱落: The fisherman ~ his net into the water. 渔夫撒网于水中。 Snakes ~ their skins. 蛇蜕皮。 His horse ~ a shoe, one of its shoes came off. 他的马脱落了一只蹄铁。 ~ anchor, lower it. 下锚。 be → down, be depressed, unhappy. 沮丧; 不乐。 cdowncast. ~ lots : ~ in one's lot with, → lot2(1, 3). ~ a vote, give a vote. 投票。 ~ing vote n one given (eg by the chairman) to decide a question when votes on each side are equal. 决定票(例如当双方票数相等时由主席所投之一票)。 ~ sth in sb's teeth. tooth(1). 2 [VP6A, 15A, 2C] turn or send in a particular direction: 转向或送至某一特定方向; 投射: ~ one's eye over sth, look at, examine, it; 看看(査看)某物; ~ a gloom/ shadow on sth, make it seem gloomy, depressing; 在某件事上投下一片阴影(使其看起来令人愁闷、沮丧); ~ a new light on a problem, etc, make it clearer, easier to understand; 使某一问题等更明白,更易于了解; ~ a rather wary glance at sb, look at him warily; 机警地看了某人一眼; ~ a slur on someone's reputation, say things to damage it. 中伤某人的名誉。 ~ about for, (anxiously) look for, try to find (eg allies, excuses). 焦急地寻找(盟友,借口等)。 3 [VP6A] pour (liquid metal) into a mould; make (eg a statue in bronze, etc) in this way: 浇(液化金属)于模中; 舞造(铜像等,与 in 连用): a figure ~ in bronze. 靑铜铸成的人像。 ~ iron n iron in a hard, brittle form, made by shaping in moulds after melting the ore in a blast furnace, and usually converted into wrought iron or steel before being used. 生铁; 铸铁(铁砂在鼓风炉中爆化后经注于模中所形成之坚而脆之铁块,在使用前通常再炼成锻铁或钢)。 Hence, 由此产生, '~-iron adj a made of ~ iron. 铸铁造的。 b (fig) hard; untiring; unyielding 喻)坚强的; 不懈的; 不屈不挠的: a man with a ~-iron will/constitution. 意志坚强(体格强壮) 的 Ao 4 [VP6A, 15B] ~ up, add, calculate (more usu add up or tot up): 加起; 计算(较常用 add up 或 tot up): ~ up a column of figures. 加起一栏鲛字。 5 [VP15B, 2C] ~ (sb/sth) aside, (= cast off, (b)) abandon; throw away as useless or unwanted. 抛弃; 因其无用或不需要而丢弃某物。 ~ (sth) off, a unloose (a boat) and let go. 解绩; 放(船)。 b (fig) abandon; throw away as unwanted. (血)抛弃; 丢弃。 Hence, 由此产生,, ~- off 'clothes; ' ~-offs n pl clothes that the owner will not wear again. 不要的衣服; 不再穿的衣服; 被丢弃的衣服。 ~ off, (knitting) remove the last row of stitches from the needles. (编织)收针。 ~ on, (knitting) make the first row of stitches. (编织)起针。 6 [VP6A] give (an actor) a part in a play: 派 (演员) 担任戏中角色: He was ~ for the part of Hamlet. 他被派扮演哈姆雷特的角色。 ~ing n [C] sth shaped by being poured in a mould (eg a wheel or axle), → 3 above. 舞造之物 (如车轮或车轴); 铸件; 舞品 (参看上列第 3 义) 。




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