释义 |
改ɡǎiⅠ ❶ (改变) change;transform:~ 了主意 change one's mind;~ 荒山为果园 transform barren hills into orchard; 我们将把日期 ~ 到3月28日。 We'll change the date to March 28th. 英国于1971年2月15日 ~ 用十进位币制。Britain converted to decimal currency on February 15th,1971. ❷ (修改) revise;alter;modify:删 ~ amend and correct; 批 ~ comment on and correct;~ 煤灶 make alteration in an oven ❸ (改正) rectify;correct:痛~前非 thoroughly rectify one's errors;~错 correct mistakes ❹ (改换,后接动词) switch over to (doing sth. else):~ 种水稻 switch over to growing rice; 你下一站得 ~ 乘无轨电车。 You'll have to change to the trolleybus next stop. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 产 Gai Chan ◆改版 {刷} correcting; 改扮 disguise oneself as; 改编 adapt;rearrange;revise;transcribe;convert;rearrangement;transcription;reorganize;redesignate;reorganization; 改变 change;alter;transform;turn;convert;mold;modify; 改步改玉 adopt [take] different measures according to circumstances; 改朝换代 change dynasties [regime];substitute a new regime for the old;The old dynasty was replaced with a new one.; 改窜 tamper with;falsify; 改错 correct a wrong character,word,etc.;correct one's mistake; 改道 change one's route;rechannel;(of a river) change its course; 改道而行 change one's course of action; 改掉 remove;drop;give up; 改订 reformulate;rewrite; 改动 change;amend;alter;modify;improve on; 改恶从善 remove the evil and follow the good;turn over a new leaf;abandon evil and do good;mend one's ways;change from bad to good; 改革 reform;reformation; 改革家 reformist; 改革开放 reform and open;reform and open to the outside world;reform and open up;reform and openness; 改革派 reform group;reform school; 改观 change the appearance [face] of; 改过 mend one's ways;correct one's mistakes; 改过不嫌迟 It is never too late to mend.; 改过迁善 correct evil doings and revert to good deeds; 改过自新 start with a clean slate;turn over a new leaf;become a new man;correct one's errors and make a fresh start;repent and reform;convert from a bad life to a good one;reform oneself;correct one's mistakes and turn over a new leaf;mend one's ways and start anew; 改行 change one's profession [trade;occupation];divert; 改河易道 change the river course; 改换 change over to;change; 改换家门 change the status of one's family;raise the social position of one's family; 改悔 repent; 改嫁 (of a woman) remarry; 改建 rebuild;reconstruct;transform; 改建扩建工程 project for renovation and expansion; 改进 improve;make better;better;mend;improvement;perfection;melioration; 改口 withdraw or modify one's previous remark;correct oneself; 改扩建 reorganization and expansion; 改来变去 shift about; 改良 improve;ameliorate;reform; 改良派 reformism; 改良主义 reformism; 改名换姓 change one's name and surname;change one's surname and given [personal] name;change one's whole name; 改判 {律} change the original sentence;amend a judgement;commute; 改期 change the date; 改任 change to another post; 改日 another day;some other day; 改日再来 come another day instead; 改容易色 One's face changed its hue.; 改山易河 reshape the mountains and rivers; 改山治水 transform mountains and harness [tame] rivers; 改善 improve;ameliorate;perfect;better;mend;modify;improvement;perfection;melioration; 改天 another day;some other day; 改天换地 transform heaven and earth;remake nature;change heaven and earth;change the world;change the earth's features;reshape nature; 改头换面 make only superficial changes;change one's looks and one's face;change the outside only;change only the appearance;dish up in a new form;disguise in a different garb;disguise;try to prettify;(to sell) old wine in a new bottle;old stuff in new concoctions; 改土 improve the soil; 改土归流 bureaucratization of native officers; 改土造田 build one's farmland by improving the soil; 改土治水 improve the soil and control the water; 改弦更张 refix a bowstring — to change policy [business];make a fresh start;start afresh;start a thorough reform;mend one's ways;change one's course;turn over to new leaf;change over to new ways;cut loose from the past and make a new start;change the laws; 改弦[辕]易辙 make a new start;change one's direction;change one's course;dance to another tune;mend one's ways;strike out (on) a new path; 改邪归正 forsake heresy and return to the truth;abandon the depraved way of life and return to the path of virtue;break away from evil ways and return to the orthodox path;forsake [give up] evil ways and return to the right path;give up an evil way of life and reform oneself;have a change of heart and do good;mend one's ways;return to a lawful way of living;stop doing evil and reform oneself;turn over a new leaf; 改写 rewrite;adapt; 改型 retrofit; 改选 reelect; 改易 [书] (改动变更) change;transform; 改元 change the designation of an imperial reign;change the title of a reign; 改元易号 change the designation of an imperial reign;change the title of a reign; 改造 transform;reform;remould;remake; 改辙 change one's course of action; 改正 correct;amend;put right; 改植 displant; 改装 change one's costume or dress;repack;repackage;modify;refit;reequip; 改宗者 {宗} proselyte; 改组 reorganize;reshuffle;reorganization; 改嘴 [口] modify one's previous remark |