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单词 appeal
释义 appeal /s'prl; s'pil/ vi [VP2A, 3A] ~ (to sb) (against/for/from sth). 1 make an earnest request: 恳求; 恳请: The prisoner ~ed to the judge for mercy. 囚犯恳求法官开恩。 At Christmas people ~ to us to help the poor. 圣诞节期间人们呼吁我们捐助贫穷的人们。 2 (legal) take a question (to a higher court, etc) for rehearing and a new decision: (法律)(向上级法院)上诉: ~ to another court; 向另一法院上诉; ~ against a decision; 不服判决而上诉; ~ from a judgement. 不服裁判而上诉。 3 go (to sb) for a decision: 请求(某人)决定; 听取(某人的) 意见; 诉诸:(football, etc) (足球赛等中) ~ to the linesman; 听取巡边员的决定; ~ against the referee's decision; 不服裁判的判决; (cricket) (板球) The captain ~ed against the light, said the light was too poor for further play. 队长对光线提出异议(认为光线太差不宜继续比赛)。 4 attract; move the feelings of: 有吸引力; 引起兴趣: Bright colours ~ to small children. 鲜艳的色彩能吸引小孩。 Do these paintings ~ to you? 你对这些画感兴趣吗? n 1 an ~ for. an earnest call for: 恳求; 呼吁: make an ~ for help. 恳求援助。 2 [C] (legal) act of ~ing(2): (法律)上诉: an ~ to a higher court; 向上级法院的上诉; an ~ from a decision; 不服判决而上诉; to lodge an ~; 提起上诉; [U] to give notice of ~; 吿知上诉; acquittal on ~. 经上诉后平反(获判无罪开释)。 3 [C] (esp in sport) act of ~ing: (尤用于运动比赛中)请求决定; 听取意见: an ~ to the referee. 请求裁判员的裁决。 4 [U] interest; (power of) attraction: 引起兴趣的力量; 吸引力: That sort of music hasn't much ~ for me/has lost its ~. 那种音乐引不起我多大兴趣(已经失去了它的吸引力)。 5 [U] supplication: 乞求; 哀求: with a look of ~ on her face, asking for help or sympathy.. 她的脸上带着乞求(帮助或同情)的表情。 ~ing adj 1 moving; touching the feelings or sympathy, 感动人的; 哀求的。 2 attractive. 动人的; 有吸引力的。 ~ingly adv




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