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单词 攀龙附凤

攀龙附凤pān lóng fù fèng

clamber over the dragon and follow the phoenix—attach oneself to power as a means of securing promotion; play up to people of power and influence; put oneself under the patronage of a bigwig; curry favour with those in power
❍ 而犹以之采可观,意思详序,~,并登天府。(刘义庆《世说新语·排调》) Still,since their writings are readable,|And their thoughts both clear and orderly,|They climbed on dragons,flew with phoenixes,|And all together mounted heaven’s hall.
❍ 方今天下分崩,英雄并起,各霸一方,四海才德之士,舍死亡生而事其上者,皆欲~,建立功名也。(《三国演义》629) Today the empire is riven and many of the bolder spirits have seized upon and claimed the rule of various portions.The talented of the empire and the virtuous among officers,who have risked death and lost their lives in serving those above them,all desire to have the opportunity of serving an Emperor and doing service for a throne.

攀龙附凤pan long fu feng

put oneself under the patronage of a bigwig


play up to people of power and influence

攀龙附凤pān lónɡ fù fènɡ

攀:抓住某物向上爬;附:依附。龙、凤:比喻有权势的人。比喻巴结有权势的人,以谋取个人的名利。put oneself under the patronage of a bigwig, play up to people of power and influence





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