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单词 撑腰打气

撑腰打气chēng yāo dǎ qì

be at sb’s back; back and cheer up; back (/prop) sb; bolster and pep up(/support),boost; buttress (up); cheer sb on (/up); give a shot in the arm; go to bat for sb; lend one’s support to; shore up; stick up for; support and encourage
❍ 他们在权力斗争中互相勾结, 相互~。 They colluded with and backed each other in the power struggle.
❍ 他们有的人暗中策划,为闹事的恶棍~。Some of them conspired on the sly in an effort to back up the hooligans in creating disturbances.

撑腰打气chēnɡ yáo dǎ qì

指支持某人。bolster and pep up, lend one’s support to, give a short in the arm





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