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❶ (拉着物体使移动) pull; drag; draw; haul: ~ 网捕鱼 drag [haul] a net in fishing; ~ 住敌人 pin down the enemy; 把身体 ~ 垮 wear oneself down; 他冲进房间把我从床上 ~ 起来。 He rushed into the room and pulled me out of bed. 他们把他从河里 ~ 上来。 They hauled him out of the river. 他 ~ 着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着。 He dragged his tired feet slowly along. 拖船把坏了的船 ~ 进港口。 The tugboat towed the damaged ship into port.
❷ (用拖把擦洗) mop: ~ 地板 mop the floor
❸(在身后耷拉着) trail: ~ 着一根长辫子 wear a long pigtail; 她的长裙 ~ 在地板上。 Her long skirt was trailing along the floor.
❹ (拖延) delay; prolong; procrastinate; drag on: 不要再 ~ 了。 Don't delay any more. 会议一直 ~ 到晚上。 The meeting was prolonged into the evening. 今天能做的不要 ~ 到明天。 Don't put off today's work till tomorrow. 谈判一直 ~ 到7月份。 The negotiation dragged on until July.
◆拖靶 {军} tow target; 拖耙 drag harrow; 拖把 mop;
拖板 planker; carriage; drag; 拖驳 double-trip; barge; butty boat; tugboat; 拖捕 trawl; 拖铲挖土机 drag shovel; slackline cableway excavator; 拖步 dragging step; 拖长 lengthen; drag on; 拖车 trailer; trail car; chassis; full trailer; 拖船 tugboat; tug; towboat; 拖带 traction; pulling; towing; 拖钩 clevis joint; 拖后腿 hinder sb.; be a drag on sb.; clip the wings of; hold sb. back; impede sb.; stay one's hand; 拖家带眷 have a family burden; 拖绞车 towing winch; 拖拉 dilatory; slow; sluggish; procrastinating; 拖拉机 tractor; 拖来拖去 pull and haul; pull ... about; pull and haul; 拖缆 tow; towrope; towline; 拖累 encumber; be a burden on; implicate; involve; saddle with; 拖轮 towboat; tow; tugboat; tug; 拖锚 drag anchor; clubbing; 拖泥带水 do things sloppily; be bedraggled [bedrabbled]; be dragged through mud and water; be unable to make a decision; beat about the bush; diffuse, irrelevant talk; drag along, leaving traces of water and mud; dragged through mud and water — an obscure style; drag out in what can be put in a neat and succinct way; end one's remarks in a hesitating or inconclusive way; give sth. to a person with strings attached to it; make a long-drawn speech; messy; muddy; not clear-cut; slipshod writing; sloppy; slovenly; spin out a discourse; unclean; untidy; 拖欠 be behind in payment; be in arrears; be back; tardy; default; 拖欠教师工资 suspend teachers' salaries; holdback teachers' salaries; 拖裙 train; 拖人下[落]水 involve sb. in criminal proceedings [in trouble]; drag a person down into the water; drag others down; drag sb. down to one's own level of crime; drag sb. into the mire; drag someone into hot water; drag someone into the abyss; get sb. into hot water; get sb. involved in trouble; have sb. sink into the vice one has already fallen into; involve [entice; inveigle] sb. in evildoing; pull another into the same sink of iniquity one finds oneself in; pull someone into the water — to involve him in trouble; 拖绳 guide rope; 拖时间 stall for time; delay; 拖沓 dilatory; sluggish; laggard; indecisive and sloppy; 拖拖拉拉 drag one's heels [feet]; be dilatory (in doing one's work); be sluggish; delay action; drag feet; keep on putting off; let the grass grow under one's feet; procrastination; 拖网 trawl; trawlnet; dragnet; townet; trail net; drawnet; draft; 拖下水 drag into the water; 拖鞋 slippers; babouche; sock; 拖延 delay; put off; procrastinate; hang up; 拖延(点火)启动 delayed starting; 拖延时日 delay the time of ... — to procrastinate; 拖曳 drag; pull; tow; towage; tug; traction; trackage; 拖运 towage; 拖走 track; trailer

rubbing (flour into something)

❶pull; drag; haul; tug
❷delay; drag on;drag out;procrastinate
我们不能在这个问题上无限止地~下去。We cannot tolerate an indefinite delay of a settlement of this question./问题要彻底解决,不要~个尾巴。The problem must be solved once for all,without leaving any loose ends./一~再~drag on and on/~长讨论drag out the discussion/~住敌人tie (or pin) down the enemy





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