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单词 摩拳擦掌

摩拳擦掌磨拳擦掌mó quán cā zhǎng

rub one’s fists and palms—be eager (/spoiling) for a fight; be itching to have a go; roll up one’s sleeves for action
❍ 听说出发打特务,一个个都~。(知侠《铁道游击队》326) Each clenched his fists and set his jaw when the order came to root out the secret agents.
❍ 青州百姓,家家瓦裂烟飞; 水浒英雄,个个~。(《水浒全传》724) And as a result,smoke rose from the ruins of every house of the citizens of Qingzhou,and the heroes of the Marsh ground their fists into their palms as they advanced belligerently.
❍ 喜得番役家人磨拳擦掌,就要往各处动手。(《红楼梦》1351) The runners hitched up their tunics and rolled up their sleeves,ready to go into action.
❍ 这是第一次出马,人们都磨拳擦掌,心里突突跳着准备战斗。(梁斌《红旗谱》381)Since this would be their first taste of action,the students,hearts beat fast with excitement as they made ready for battle.
❍ 个个~,士气很高,一出马就打了胜仗。(《毛泽东选集》1213) …each one of them rolled up his sleeves for battle,their moral was very high and as soon as they went into action they won a victory.
❍ 近来有些人磨拳擦掌,大鸣不平,正是毫不足怪,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—23) It is not at all surprising that some people recently have grown very excited,rubbing their hands and clamouring for justice…/……见八戒与那怪交战,就恨得咬牙切齿,擦掌磨拳,……(《西游记》294) …he became so aroused by the sight of Bajie engaging that fiend that he ground his teeth and rubbed his hands vehemently.


rub one’s fist and palms; rub one’s hands and clench one’s fists—be readiy for a fight
战士们一个个~,准备战斗。The soldiers were rolling up their sleeves for a battle.

摩拳擦掌摩(磨)mó quán cà zhǎnɡ

摩好拳头,擦好手掌。形容战斗或劳动之前,人们精神振奋,跃跃欲试的样子。be eager for a fight, pull up one’s socks, get ready to throw down the gauntler, be itching to have a go





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