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单词 藏头露尾

藏头露尾cáng tóu lù wěi

show the tail but hide the head--tell part of the truth but not all of it; give a partial account of; prevaricate; play a game of hide-and-seek; try to half conceal an affair when it is exposed
❍ 薛蟠本是个心直口快的人,见不得这样~的事; …… (《红楼梦》 414) Blunt,outspoken Xue Pan could not stand such insinuations.
❍ 行者道: “你那里知道?象他这个~的,本该打他一顿;……”(《西游记)211)"You wouldn't know,would you?" said Pilgrim."For playing a game of hide-and-seek like that with us,he really deserves a beating! …"

藏头露尾露尾藏头cánɡ tóu lù wěi

比喻遮遮掩掩,怕露出真相和实情。show the tail but hide the head,tell part of the truth but not all of it, prevaricate, give a partial account of





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