释义 |
摇头晃脑摇头摆脑yáo tóu huǎng nǎowag one’s head—look pleased with oneself; assume an air of self-approbation (/self-satisfaction/self-con ceit); nod and roll one’s head about priggishly; with one’s head swaying from side to side; wag one’s head learnedly ❍ 他们一股劲向前窜,挺胸突肚,~,仿佛喝醉了酒。(吴强《红日》461) …they both came rushing determinedly at him with their chests and stomachs thrust out and heads swaying from side to side as if they were drunk. ❍ 摇头摆脑地读着,非常得意,以为给学生尝味了千古妙文呢! (叶圣陶《倪焕之》253) They sway their heads as they read it,feeling great satisfaction and thinking that their pupils are savouring the subtle flavour of something unsurpassed in excellence in a thousand years!/其余的幕僚们跟着叫好,摇头摆脑地评论着这后一句写得如何恰切和得体。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—221) Other secretaries joined in,wagging their heads as they commented on the aptness of the sentiments in the last line./ “那么你们二位呢?” 他~地看看江华,又看看道静。(杨沫《青春之歌》252) “How about you two,then?”he challenged.looking from Jiang Hua to Daojing with a swing of his head. 摇头晃脑yáo tóu huànɡ nǎo摇晃着头脑。形容悠闲自得的样子。wag one’s head, look pleased with oneself |