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单词 awake
awake/ ə′weɪk/ v awoke / ə′wə ʊk, AmE -′woʊk/,awoken/ ə′wə ʊkən, AmE -′woʊk-/or -d,-d /t/];adj

v(1)(使)醒来((cause to) stop sleeping)[IT+n]:He awoke at six.他6点钟醒来。~from deep sleep 从沉睡中醒过来;The drunken man awoke to find himself in a ditch.那醉汉醒来时发现自己躺在水沟里。The alarm(noise/nurse)awoke the patient/sleeping boy.闹钟(嘈杂声/护士)吵(叫)醒病人/睡着的男孩。be awoken by the loud crash/the rumbling of guns 被震耳的堕落声/隆隆的炮声吵醒;〖同〗wake,wake up,awaken;〖反〗sleep;

(2)(使)觉醒(悟),唤(激)起((cause to) become conscious or active)[IT+n](fig):Old memories awoke in him when he read the diaries.读日记时他回想起了旧时的事情。Asia is~ing from her long sleep.亚洲从沉睡中觉醒起来。~one's old fears/one's pleasant memories/one's interest 唤起原有的恐惧/唤起愉快的回忆/激起兴趣;Her beauty awoke a feeling of love in him.她的美貌引起了他的爱恋。The fuel shortage awoke the country to the need of developing atomic energy.燃料短缺使该国意识到需要发展原子能。~sb to the fact that...使某人意识到……的事实;〖同〗arouse;

awake to (v prep)开始明白,意识到(vt):He at last awoke to the dangers/the surroundings/the opportunities/the realities/the fact/the importance of drug control.他终于意识到危险/周围的环境/机遇/现实生活/那事实/控制毒品的重要性。

adj(1)醒着的(not asleep;having woken up)[作pred]:He was~all night.他一夜未合眼。lie fully/wide~完全醒着躺在那里;Is he still~or asleep? 他是仍然醒着呢,还是睡着了?Is he~yet? 他醒来了没有?He could hardly keep himself ~. 他困得睁不开眼。She stayed~until he came.直到他来她才睡着。〖同〗wide-awake;〖反〗asleep,sleeping;

(2)明白的,意识到(conscious or aware of sth)[A(to)][作pred]:be(fully)~to the danger/the difficulties/the changes/what is going on(充分)意识到危险/困难/变化/正在发生的情况;Do you think they are fully~to the problems involved? 你认为他们对自己所卷入的麻烦完全清楚吗?Plenty of opportunities will present themselves if only you are~to them.机遇是会很多的,只要你留心。〖同〗aware,conscious;〖反〗unaware,unconscious;

【辨异】awakeawakenwake(up)和waken (up)都可用作vivt,都可表示“(使)醒来”;但最好把awake用作vi,而把awaken和waken (up)用作vt;wake (up)则可常用作两者,且最常见,最不正式,不用于正式场合和转义,也不用于被动语态。此外,awaken和waken (up)的语体色彩较为正式;awake(vi)和awaken(vt)更常用于转义,如:Her fears awoke/were awakened once again.(恐惧再一次向她袭来。)





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