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❶ (放进、挤入、刺进或穿入) stick in;insert: 把插头 ~ 上 insert the plug in a socket;plug in;
把门 ~ 上 bolt the door;
把双手 ~ 在口袋里 put one's hands in one's pockets;
山峰高 ~ 入云 peaks penetrating into the clouds;
女孩在头发上 ~ 了一朵野花。 The girl stuck a wild flower in her hair.
❷ (中间加进去;加进中间去) interpose;insert: 他说个没完,别人半句话也 ~ 不进。 He talked on and on and nobody else could get a word in edgeways. 他在拼错的单词中 ~ 进了一个字母。 He inserted a letter into the misspelled word. 这本书再版时 ~ 入了新的一章。 A new chapter is included in the second edition.
◆插班 join a class in the middle of the course;enter another school (class) according to one's grade;
插播 inter-cut;
插翅难飞[逃] Even if one had wings one could hardly fly away — no possible escape.;unable to fly,even with a pair of wings;Even though (he) could thrust wings into (himself) yet (he) could not fly away.;unable to escape even if given wings;unable to escape even if one were provided with wings;
插床 {机} slotting machine;slotter;vertical slotting machine;vertical planing machine;
插刀 slotting tool;
插队 (不按次序排队) jump [crash] a queue;(知青下放) go to live and work in a production team;
插花 arrange [insert] flowers (in vase);flower arrangement;
插话 (在别人讲话时插话) interpose (a remark,etc.);chip in;(插曲;穿插在大事件中的小故事) digression;episode;
插件 plug-in components;plug-in unit;pluggable unit;plug-in board;field-replaceable unit;package;plug- in con ̄nector;plug-in module;{自} card; 插脚 (站到里面去;[喻] 参与某种活动) have a foot-hold in;step inside;take part in;participate in;{电} (管脚) pin;base pin;prong;limb;
插接 {植} (嫁接) peg graft;cuttage grafting;plate grafting;{电} (用插口、插接板等连接) socket;
插进 stick in;interject;thrust into;dip;let in;work in;
插科打诨 (of clown in Chinese opera) make impromptu comic gestures and remarks;make all manner of quips and jokes;ad-lib;buffooneries;gag;introduce comic remarks in a dialogue;insert dialogue for comic relief;jesting;
插孔 socket;jack;receptacle;hub;tip jack;plughole;rabbet;
插口 (插孔) spigot;socket;jack;(插嘴) interrupt;chip in;
插屏 table screen;table plaque;
插曲 {音} interlude songs in a film or play;episode;interlude;
插入 insert;infix;run in;break in;patch;insertion;plug in;intercalate;intercalation;intromission;dig;implant;inlay;interpose;intervene;interposition {数} interpolation;
插入成分 {语} parenthesis;
插身 (挤进去) squeeze in;edge in;(参与) take part in;get involved in;
插手 (参加做事) take part;lend a hand;(参与;干预) have [take] a hand in;poke one's nose into;meddle in;
插条 {植}(插枝)transplant a cutting;(所插枝条) cutting wood,seed piece;
插头 plug;plug contact;male plug;receptacle plug;attachment plug;
插图 illustration;figure;insert map;demonstration;inset;plate;
插销 latch;thumb lock;thumb latch; (门窗等用)bolt;click;{机} inserted pin;cross-pin;
插叙 narration interspersed with flashbacks;
插秧 transplant rice seedlings [shoots];rice transplanting;
插页 inset;insert;
插音 {语音} epenthesis;
插枝 make cutting;twig cutting;
插足 (放脚) put one's foot in;(参与) participate (in some activity);
插足者 a third person;
插嘴 interrupt;chip in;put in a word;cut [chop;butt] in;interpose;break in;break in upon;
插座 jack;receptacle;socket;plug base;plug-in;plug receptacle;plug seat; outlet;rosette;shoe;patera;rabbet





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