释义 |
获(Ⅰ ❸穫、Ⅰ❶ ❷獲)huòⅠ ❶ (捉住;擒住) capture;catch: 捕 ~ capture ❷ (得到;取得) obtain;win;reap: 不劳而 ~ enjoy the fruits of other people's labour;reap without sowing; 喜 ~ 丰收 happily reap a bumper harvest ❸ (收割) reap;harvest: 收 ~ gather [bring] in the crops;harvest Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 远 Huo Yuan ◆获得 acquire;gain;obtain;win;achieve;{生} acquisition; 获奖 win a prize;receive an award;win award;be rewarded; 获奖作品 products of awarded medal;award-winning works; 获救 be rescued or saved from (death,disaster,etc.); 获利 earn profit;get or obtain profit;make a profit;reap profits; 获能 capacitation; 获取 gain;obtain;achieve; 获赦 be pandoned; 获胜 win victory;be victorious;triumph; 获释 be released;be set free;get off; 获悉 [书] learn (of an event); 获益匪浅 reap no little benefit; 获益良多 benefit a great deal; 获月 harvest moon; 获知 learn; 获准 obtain permission |