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单词 pencil
pencil/′pensl/ n; vt [-ll-, AmE -l-]

n (1) 1)(彩色)铅笔 (long wooden (or metal) instrument containing a stick of lead or coloured chalk used for writing and drawing) [C]:This~needs sharpening. 这支铅笔要削了。a~drawing 一幅铅笔画; 2)用铅笔写的字迹等 (writing done with a pencil) [U]:Could I sign my name/the paper in~? 用铅笔签名/签这份文件行吗?P~rubs out easily. 铅笔写的字容易被擦掉。

(2)铅笔状(或与铅笔用途类似)的东西 (anything with a shape or purpose of a pencil) (常用于合成词中)[C]:The girl made her eyebrows darker with an eyebrow~. 女孩用眉笔将眉毛颜色描深。

→′pencil-case n 铅笔盒;′pencil-sharpener n 削铅笔器,转笔刀;

vt用铅笔写(画,标记) (write draw or mark using a pencil) [T+n]:~sketches/eyebrows/the rough outline of a house 用铅笔画草图/描眉/画房子的大概轮廓;

pencil in (v adv) 写,(临时)记下来(vt): He~led in the answers in the spaces provided. 他把答案写在所给的空格里。Let's~in 5 May for the meeting. 咱们把5月5日这个开会的日期记下来。





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