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单词 自取灭亡

自取灭亡zì qǔ miè wáng

bring oneself to destruction (/ruin); court one’s own death(/doom /disaster); court (/invite) self-destruction;draw ruin upon oneself; seek one’s own downfall;take the road to one’s doom; cook one’s own goose;cut one’s own throat; dig one’s own grave; work one’s own undoing
❍ 清朝这样腐败,就是自召瓜分~,……(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—92) …the corrupt rule of the Qing Dynasty was the real cause of foreign agression and its own ruin; …/回去告诉你的长官,限你们在二十四小时内缴出武器,我们优待俘虏,保证你们生命的安全,发给你们通行证,可以通过解放区,就近回国,不然的话,你们就是~。(知侠《铁道游击队》589) Go back and tell your superior officer we’ll give you another twenty-four hours to make up your minds. If you surrender your arms we’ll treat you in accordance with the regulations dealing with the lenient treatment of prisoners of war,give you passes and guarantee safe passage by the shortest route through the Liberated Area to your own country.Otherwise you’re courting destruction,understand?/不知道满足的人,实在是~呀。(郭沫若《屈原》72) Only those who can never be satisfied ruin themselves.


taking the road to one's death;courting death


court (or invite) destruction;court one’s own ruin;take the road to one’s doom

自取灭亡zì qǔ miè wánɡ

自己的行动决定了自己的灭亡。形容自己找死。take the road to one’s doom, bring oneself to turn, cut one’s own throat, bring destruction on oneself





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更新时间:2025/3/3 20:08:53