Ⅰ ❶ (占据) occupy;seize: 盘 ~ illegally or forcibly occupy;be entrenched
❷ (凭借;依靠) rely on;depend on: ~ 险固守 take advantage of a natural barrier to put up a strong defence;
亦有兄弟,不可以 ~。 I,indeed,have brothers,/ But I cannot depend on them. Ⅱ (按照;依据) according to;on the grounds of: ~ 报道 according to (press) reports;it is reported that;~ 实报告 report the facts;give a factual report;~ 实招认 factual admission;~ 我看 as I see it;in my opinion;~ 气象台预报,明天有大风。 According to the weather forecast,there will be a gale tomorrow. Ⅲ ❶ (可以用做证明的事物) evidence;certificate: 论 ~ grounds of argument;
凭 ~ evidence;proof;
查无实 ~ 。Investigation reveals no evidence (against the suspect).
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 成 Ju Cheng
另见 see also jū。
◆据传 a story is going around that;rumour has it that;
据此 on these grounds;in view of the above;accordingly;
据理力争 make [exert] one's utmost efforts to fight for one's point of view;argue on the basis of reason;argue strongly on just grounds;try to convince one's opponent with an argument;
据情办理 do judging by the circumstances;
据实而报 give a matter-of-fact account;
据实而言 call a pikestaff a pikestaff;call a spade a spade;speak the truth;
据实相告 tell according to facts;
据实招供 confess truthfully [according to fact];confess the truth at court;tell the facts in court;
据守 guard;be entrenched in;
据说 it is said;they say;allegedly;
据为己有 take forcible possession of;appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs to another);have all to oneself;keep ... for one's own;make sth. one's own;make sth. one's personal capital;
据我所知 for [from] what I can tell;according to the information I have;according to what I know;according to what I'm informed;as far as I know;for what [all] I know;from what I'm told;in the scope of my knowledge;to the best of my knowledge;
据悉 it is reported;by report;
据险固守 take advantage of a natural barrier to put up at strong defence