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单词 bundle
释义 bundle /'bAndl; 'bAndl/ n number of articles fastened, tied, or wrapped together: 捆; 束; 扎; 包; 包裹:a ~ of sticks/firewood; 一捆棍子 (柴) ~ of old rags. 一捆破旧衣服。 The books were tied up in ~s of twenty. 那些书被捆成二十本一捆。 vt, vi 1 [VP15B] ~ up/together, make into a ~ or ~s: 捆扎; 包泰: We ~d everything up. 我们把每件东西都捆扎起来了。 2 [VP15A] put together in a confused heap; put away without order: 乱堆在一起: We ~d everything into a drawer. 我丽把所有的东西都塞在一个抽屉里。 3 [VP15A, B, 2C] send or go in a hurry or without ceremony: 匆匆遣走; 匆匆离去: They ~d him into a taxi. 他们匆匆地把他推入一辆计程车。 His mother ~d him off to school. 他母亲赶紧打发他去上学。 They ~d off/out/away. 他们匆匆离去。 nose) stopped up with mucus; (of drains) clogged




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