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单词 挖空心思

挖空心思wā kōng xīn sī

cudgel (/beat/rack/ransack) one’s brains; do everything one can possibly think of;puzzle for a plan,fair or foul; think one’s head off;try by hook and by crook; to hammer out a way to achieve one’s aim; work one’s head to the bone
❍ 或许又有人会说:“你是偏爱李白,在~扬李抑杜。”(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》186) Some people may argue,“You’re so partial to Li Bai that you cudgel your brains to justify your praise of him and depreciation of Du Fu.”/他~想了字号的名称: 叫“福佑行”。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—106) He racked his brains for a suitable name for his business and at last decided on“Fu You”./总而言之一句话,他是挖空了心思,在那里想出种种方法来逼我。(茅盾《子夜》304) In short,he’s doing everything he can possibly think of to get me in a tight corner.
❍ 于是乎~的来一个反攻,说这些乃是“讽刺”,向作者抹一脸泥,来掩藏自己的真相。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—135) After hard thought they hit back to conceal the truth about themselves,smearing the writer with mud by declaring that this is a “satire”./于是~,给起了一个名目,叫做“讽刺”。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—149) So resorting to cunning,they describe these works as“satire“./他唯恐看守们不听他的话,又特意~,把共产党描绘一番,说共产党多么可怕,…… (杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》 8) Fearing that the guards would not obey him,the superintendent had tried desperately to paint a horrible picture of the Communist Party.


rack(or cudgel) one’s brains

挖空心思wā kōnɡ xīn sī

形容绞尽脑汁,想尽办法。rack one’s brains, puzzle for a plan fair of foul, cudgel one’s brains





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