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单词 assist


v.& n.援助,帮助,出席
◇ assist as one of the judges担任陪审法官
assist at (in)出席,参加
assist sb. in帮助某人做…工作
assist with(主动)帮助,(要求)别人,帮助去做某事
◇ assistant director专员
assist in managing帮办
assist indigent people扶贫攻坚
assist point协助得分
assisted areas受援地区
assisted country受援国
assisted goal有协助的射中
assisted home ward passage补助回国旅费,资助回国旅费,资助回程旅费
assisted movement助力运动
assisted places scheme资助学费方案
assisted point协助得分
assisting the poverty-stricken and developing poor rural areas 扶贫开发
assisting the poverty-stricken households扶贫到户
assisting wind顺风
assistance n.协助,辅助,(大学)研究生助教奖学金
◇be of great assistance in doing sth.有助于做…come to sb.’s assistance帮助某人
give assistance to帮助…/provide assistance提供援助
◇ assistance accountant会计助理
assistance and salvage at sea海上救助
assistance contribution援助捐款
assistance exercise辅助练习
assistance movement 辅 助 动作
assistance of counsel辩护人有效援助
assistance on grant terms援助补助金
assistance payment补助金
financial assistance财政援助
personal assistant私人助理
Special Assistant to the President总统特别助理
victim (witness) assistance programs服务组织提供的对犯罪受害人及证人的安慰及帮助
assistant n. 助手,助理,副总裁判
adj. 辅助的,助理的
administrative assistant行政助理
assistant accountant助理会计师
assistant accounts clerk会计助理员
assistant ad litem诉讼辅助人
assistant auditor助理审计员
assistant cameraman摄影助理
assistant captain副队长
assistant coach助理教练
assistant comptroller助理主计长
Assistant Counting Supervisor助理点票主任
assistant dean副院长
assistant director副导演,助理导演,专员
assistant district service manager地区服务经理助理
assistant editor助理编辑
Assistant Electoral Registration Officer 助理选举登记主任
assistant electrician助理灯光师
assistant for political and ideological work辅导员
assistant general manager助理,副总经理 assistant judge助理审判员
assistant lawyer见习律师
assistant librarian图书馆馆长助理
assistant manager副经理,襄理
assistant master助理教员
assistant minister助理部长
Assistant Officer惩教助理
assistant president总裁助理
Assistant Presiding Officer助理投票站主任
assistant producer助理制片人
assistant professor助理教授
assistant prosecutor 助理检察官
assistant range officer 副 裁 判员
assistant rank助理职级
assistant recorder 副检录长
assistant referee副裁判长
Assistant Registrar注册主任
Assistant Registration Officer 助理登记主任
Assistant researcher助理研究员
Assistant Returning Officer助理选举主任
assistant secretary(美国)助理部长
Assistant Secretary-General助理秘书长
assistant secretary of state(美国)助理国务卿
assistant starter助理发令员
assistant supervisor助理主管
assistant teacher 一般教学人员
assistant to the Secretary-General 秘书长助理
assistantship n.





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