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单词 pay
pay/peɪ/ n;v paid,paid/peɪd/]

n 工资,薪水,报酬 (money given in return for regular work) [U]:What's your monthly~? 你月薪多少?My~is 200 pounds a week. 我每周收入200镑。a~increase of $10 a week 每周10美元加薪;an increase in~收入的增加;His~went up every year. 他的收入逐年增加。What's the~like in his job? (infml) 他的工作能挣多少钱?The workers went on strike for higher~. 工人们罢工要求增加工资。~dirt值得开采的矿藏;~phone (~station) 投币式电话;〖同〗wages,salary,income,fee;
 in the pay of 受……雇用的 (尤指秘密雇用)(derog): (sb/spy) be in the~of the enemy (某人/间谍)被敌人所雇用;
 →′pay-claim n (工会为其会员提出的) 加薪要求;′pay-day n 发薪日;(股票市场的)交割日;′payload n (船,飞机等)有酬载荷;飞机或导弹携带的炸药量;(卫星或宇宙飞船)有效的载荷;′paymaster n 负责发放薪饷的官员;出钱让人做事并对其实施控制的人;′pay-packet n 工资袋;′payroll n 工资表,薪水册;工资表上应付工资的总额;′pay-slip n 工资条;
 v(1) 1) 付钱,为(向)……付费,付给(give (money) to (sb) in exchange for goods services etc) [I I+prep(for), T+n T+n+prep(to/for), D+n+n Dn+prep(to)]:~in cash/by cheque 用现金/支票付款;They had to~rather heavily. 他们得付相当多的钱。My company/The job~s well. 我的公司/这件工作薪水很高。~to do sth 付钱做某事;~for the book/the meal/the car/the house 交书款/付饭费/交购车款/付房款;His parents paid for him to go to America. 他的父母为他负担去美国的费用。They paid the cashier and left. 他们向收款(银)员付了款就走了。We're paid on Friday. 我们星期五发工资。I'll~you for the damage. 我将赔偿你的损失。We've paid a lot of money/2000 dollars/a high enough price for it. 我们已为此付出了很多钱/2000美元/足够高的价钱。She's paid 10 dollars a week. 她每周挣10美元。P~your entrance money to the man at the door. 把你的入场费交给门口的那个人。I'll~you $500 for the car.我付你500美元买那辆汽车。2) 付(费),还(欠款) (give (sb) money that one owes) [T+n D+n+n Dn+prep(to)]:~a bill/a fine/a rent/a subscription/a debt付账单/交罚款/交房租/交订阅费/还账;~the income tax/one's dues 缴纳所得税/交会费;He paid me the $5/money he had borrowed. 他把向我借的五美元/钱还给了我。~one's membership fee to sb 向某人缴纳会费;〖同〗settle,clear;〖反〗owe;
 (2) 1)有利(收益),合算 ((of a businessetc) be profitable): [I]: His bookshop did not~so he sold it. 他的书店无利可图,因此他就把它卖了。make a farm~让农场盈利;〖同〗yield,return,profit,benefit; 2)对(某人)有利 (be useful or profitable to (sb)) [I T+n]: Honesty always~s. 诚实总能得到好报。It~s to get a good education/be honest. 受良好教育/诚实对人有好处。It doesn't~to waste time. 浪费时间没有好处。It will~you to work hard. 努力工作必有所获。〖同〗yield,return,benefit;
 pay attention to sb/sth 倾听,注意:Now~attention to me. 请注意听我说。You should~attention to your health. 你应该注意自己的健康。
 pay sb a compliment/pay a compliment to sb 恭维(某人):Other artists~me empty compliments which only humiliate me. 其他艺术家空洞地恭维我,这只不过是对我的侮辱。
 pay dividends 日后有好处:The time she has spent learning French now~s dividends. 她花在学法语上的时间现在得到了报偿。
 pay heed (to sb/sth) 注意(留意)……: He paid no heed to our warnings. 他把我们的警告当作耳边风。
 pay sb (back) in his own/the same coin 以其人之道还治其人之身: I was determined to get revenge, to~him back in his own coin for the wrongs he had done to us. 我决心以其人之道还治其人之身,报复他对我们的不公平。
 pay the penalty (for sth/doing sth) 自食其果:They had to~the penalty for the wrong decisions they made. 他们得为自己所作的错误决定而自食其果。
 pay a/the price (for sth) (为所得)付出代价:This was the price that had to be paid for peace. 这就是为和平而必须付出的代价。
 pay one's respects (to sb) (向某人)表示敬意(致敬)(fml): Please~my respects to your father. 请代我向您父亲致意。
 pay through the nose (for sth) (为某物)付高价:I've got a ticket for tonight's football match, but I had to~through the nose for it. 我弄到了一张今晚足球比赛的票,但为这张票花掉了很多钱。
 pay (a) tribute to sb/sth 对……表示敬佩: I want to take this opportunity to~a public tribute to him/his courage. 我想借此机会公开对他/他的勇气表示敬佩。
 pay sb/sth a visit 拜访,访问:~a visit to a friend/a patient/the United States 拜访朋友/探望病人/访问美国;
 pay one's/its way (某人)维持生活,(企业等)维持营业: I never borrow money because I believe one ought always to~one's way. 我从不向人借钱,因为我相信一个人应该始终靠自己维持生活。
 put paid to sth 停止,毁坏 (infml): Three days of continuous sunshine put paid to his usual complaints about the bad weather. 连续三天的大晴天使他不再喋喋不休地抱怨天气不好。
 pay back (v adv) 1) 还(某人)钱,偿还(vt): She paid me back the $100 she owed me. 她把欠我的100美元还给了我。He paid the money back promptly. 他很快就把钱还了回来。2) 报复(vt): I'll~them back for the treatment. 我要为这种待遇向他们报复。
 pay for (v prep) 为……付出代价(vt): You'll have to~(heavily/dearly) for your mistakes/your crime. 你要为你所犯的错误/罪行付出(沉重的/昂贵的)代价。
 pay in (v adv) 将(钱)存入(银行账户) (vt): I have to~in $20 to cover a cheque that I wrote. 我得存入20美元以支付我开的一张支票。
 pay off (v adv) 1)有利可图,没有白费劲,成功(vt) (infml): The deal/Your daring plan will~off, I'm sure. 我肯定这笔交易有利可图/你大胆的计划会成功。2) 付清工资后予以解雇(vt): 200 workers will be paid off when the factory closes next week. 下周工厂关闭时将有200名工人被遣散。3)用钱来堵住(某人的)嘴(vt) (infml): We had to~off the man who got us the contract, with 5% of the profit. 我们得用5%的利润来堵住为我们弄到合同的那个人的嘴。4)全部付(还)清(vt):~off one's debts/one's loan/one's taxes/one's house 全部付清债务/贷款/税款/购房款;
 pay out (v adv) 1) (定期为某物)付大笔款项(vt): They're~ing out $500 a month on their mortgage. 他们每月要为抵押贷款支付500美元。2) (把绳子等)一点点放出(vt): P~the rope out a little at a time. 将绳子每次放松一点点。
 pay up (v adv) 还清全部欠款(vt): The landlord demanded that the man~up or go to jail. 房主要求那人付清全部欠款,否则他就去坐班房。
 →′payable adj 必须(可以)支付的;pay′ee n 受(收)款人;′payer n 付款人;paid-′up adj 付清全部应付款项的;′pay-as-you-′earn n (略作PAYE) 发工资时预扣所得税法;′pay-bed n (BrE) 在全民保健医院中由病人付费的病床;′pay-off n 发工资;行贿;报酬;报应;(故事,事件等的)高潮;′payment n;
 【说明】pay 作及物动词表示“付款”时,只能后接表示人或钱的宾语,不能直接接表示事物的词作宾语;如: Who paid for the tickets? (谁付票钱?) 注意,tickets前的for不可少。





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