祭jì ❶ (祭奠) hold a memorial ceremony for: 公 ~ public memorial ceremony ❷ (祭祀) offer a sacrifice to: ~ 天 offer a sacrifice to Heaven;worship Heaven;~ 祖 offer a sacrifice to an ancestor ❸ (古典小说中指使用法宝) wield: ~ 起法宝 wield a magic wand 另见 see also zhài。 ◆祭奠 hold a memorial ceremony for; 祭礼 sacrificial rites;memorial ceremony;sacrificial offerings; 祭品 sacrificial offerings;oblation; 祭器 sacrificial utensil; 祭祀 offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors; 祭坛 sacrificial altar;altar; 祭天祈年 offer sacrifices to the gods and pray for rich harvests; 祭天祀祖 A solemn ceremonial thanksgiving sacrifice was offered to heaven and to the ancestors.; 祭文 funeral oration;elegiac address; 祭献 sacrifice
祭zhài ❶ (古国名) Zhai, a state in the Zhou Dynasty ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 彤 Zhai Tong 另见 see also jì。 ◆祭公 a suranme |