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单词 指日可待

指日可待zhǐ rì kě dài

be just round the corner;can be expected soon; in sight; in the near (/foreseeable) future; near (/close) at hand; the day is fast approaching;the day is not far off
❍ 看,诸位!我云集在北线的十万大军分路合围,……~。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》438) Look ,gentlemen,the day is fast approaching when a hundred thousand of our men,coming in different columns,will converge on this northern front…/报告书公布的时候,他们简直以为实现国际共管的理想是~的。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》327) When its report was published in October of that year they were sure that their dream of international administration was going to be realized within theforeseeable future.


can be realized very soon;be just round the corner
民族和解~。National conciliation can be realized very soon (or is just round the corner).

指日可待zhǐ rì kě dài

指日:可以指望的日子,不久。形容愿望不久就能实现。can finish in a few days, can be expected soon, near at hand, the day is not for off, in the near future, be just round the corner





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