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Ⅰ ❶ (拳头) fist: 挥 ~ shake one's fist; 握 ~ clench [double] one's fist
❷ (拳术) boxing; pugilism: 练 ~ practise shadow boxing
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 弥 Quan Mi Ⅱ : 打了一 ~ give a punch Ⅲ (拳曲) curl: 他喜欢 ~ 着身子睡觉。 He likes to sleep curled up on his side.
◆拳棒 martial arts such as shadowboxing, swordplay, etc.; 拳不离手, 曲不离口 The boxer's fist must stick to its task, and the singer's mouth no rest must ask.; Boxing cannot dispense with the hand; nor song the mouth.; constantly study diligently and train hard to attain skilfulness [perfection]; engage oneself in constant practice so as to be in fighting trim when challenged or so as to be in good form when asked to sing; Practice makes perfect.; 拳打脚[足]踢 cuff and kick; beat and kick; beat up; box and kick; strike and kick; 拳击 boxing; pugilism; 拳脚 Chinese boxing; 拳拳 [书] sincere;
拳师 boxing coach; pugilist; 拳术 Chinese boxing; 拳头 fist; 拳头产品 hit product; key product; “fist” product; sure-to-sell goods; the topped products; the most competitive products






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更新时间:2025/3/3 20:13:09