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单词 生龙活虎

生龙活虎shēng lóng huó hǔ

doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger—brimming (/bursting) with energy; full of energy and strength (/vim and vigour); dynamic; extremely vivid and lively; full of vitality (/verve); vigorous
❍ 可是,他们干起活来,个个~,好象都要同年轻小伙子们赛一赛干劲似的。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅲ—155) But once they started work,they were all like youngsters,full of energy and strength.
❍ 小妞子,她去年今天……~似的孩子,会,会……唉! (老舍《龙须沟》30) Little Niu,a year ago today she…such a lovely child quick as a wild animal she was! …And then…/剑波瞅着他这些~的战士喊声: “同志们再见!”(曲波《林海雪原》487)The young commander gazed at his bold fighters and cried: “Goodbye,comrades.”/他也醒过来,叫一声“妈”,~似的跳去玩了。(《鲁迅选集》上—28) Then he’ll wake and call: “Ma!” and jump down like a young tiger to play.
❍ 魏强虽然乍来到武工队,一见这起子~的队员,从心眼里痛快。(《冯志《敌后武工队》8) Although Wei Qiang had just joined the armed task force,he felt very satisfied with its lively members.
❍ 谁也想不到,这样一个瘦骨伶仃的老好先生,过去竟然是~的一名学生运动的骁将。(高云览《小城春秋》262) Looking at this painfully thin old gentleman,it was hard to believe that he was once one of the roaring tigers who led the student uprisings.
❍ 银凤闭上眼睛,石得富~的形影就到面前……(柳青《铜墙铁壁》200) Yinfeng closed her eyes,and she could see the virile Defu…


bursting with energy;full of vim and vigor

生龙活虎shēnɡ lónɡ huó hǔ

富有朝气就像老虎一样、充满活力就像龙一样。比喻富有朝气,充满活力;也形容活泼矫健。full of vim and vigour, alive and kicking, be dynamic and vigorous





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