释义 |
拐弯抹角guǎi wān mò jiǎobeat about the bush;circuitous; talk (/speak/write) in a roundabout way ❍ 脱了赤脚,卷起裤管,蹲在排了水的秧田里拔除杂草的时候,韩培生~地和生禄攀谈起来了:……(柳青《创业史》487)Bare-footed,his pants legs rolled up,Han squatted in the seeding bed from which the water had been released,pulling weeds. With circuitous ques tions he tried to feel Shenglu out. ❍ 张大嫂觉得没有~的必要,便一五一十地把刚才采菌子偷听来的话复述了一遍,……(草明《原动力》157) Mrs Zhang felt there was no need to hide anything,so she told him in detail all that she had overheard when she went to gather mushrooms,…/隔一阵,刘雨生竭力想克服这点,他断断续续,~,绕到入社和退社的问题上来了。(周立波《山乡巨变》284) After a while,Liu Yusheng exerted an effort to end this state of affairs;eventually,in halting and roundabout phrases,he got on to the question of the co-operative and her withdrawing from it. ❍ 另一方面也不喜欢新区委书记动不动引经据典,说话~的作风。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》82) Moreover he had been annoyed with the former’s frequent quo tations from political texts and reports and his in direct style of talking. ❍ 赵玉林把他下晚~,晃晃荡荡的心思,一五一十的,都告诉小王。(周立波《暴风骤雨》39) Zhao described to him all the tangle of thoughts that had passed through his mind during the night. ❍ 飞快地钻进了僻静的小胡同,一地朝保定郊区的刘守庙桥南头驶去。(冯志《敌后武工队》238) Quickly he slipped into a quiet lane,headed back in the direction they had come and zigzagged towards the south end of Liushoumiao Bridge in Baoding’s suburbs. 拐弯抹角go or travel in a zigzag manner; talk in a roundabout way; beat about the bush 拐弯抹角ɡuǎi wān mò jiǎo道路不平,曲曲折折。比喻说话、作文不直截了当。talk in a roundabout way, hedge, beat around the bush, by indirection |