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单词 trade


1. traffic,dealings,commerce往来,交易,商业。
2. traffic,interchange,frequent resort and inter-course往来,交换,频繁往来。
△2H.IV.1.1.173:“his for-ward spirit/Would lift him where most trade of dan-ger ranged;” i.e. where most frequent interchange ofdangerous blows took place.他那勇往直前的精神会把他送到最危险的生死搏斗当中。
3. occupation,job职业,工作。
△Oth.1.2. 1:“Thoughin the trade of war I have slain men,”虽然我干的是打仗 的行当,杀过人。
△Tw.3.1. 83 (74):“My niece is desir-ous you should enter,if your trade be to her.”i.e. ifyour business concerns her. 我的侄女愿意你进去,假如你的任务是来见她。
4. business事务。
△Ham.3.2.353 (334): “Have youany further trade with us?”你还有什么事和我说吗? (按:哈姆雷特在这两句台词里戏用国王的口气说话,自称we和us。)
△Lr.4.1.38: “Bad is the trade that must play foolto sorrow.”(Edgar has to act as a Fool to his sorrow-ful father.)在伤心人面前装傻瓜,真不是一件好事。
5. road,beaten path,thoroughfare道路,走熟的路,通道。
△H.VIII.5.1.36: “the gap and trade of moe prefer-ments,”空缺和更多升迁的坦途。


vi. ply to and fro来回,往返。
△Mer.3.4. 54:“Which trades to Venice.”直航威尼斯。
trade and traffic: have dealings,have to do进行交易,有往来。
△Mac.3.5.3:“How did you dare/ To tradeand traffic with Macbeth/ In riddles and affairs ofdeath;”你们怎么敢用哑谜和有关生死的大事和麦克白进行交易?




n. 贸易,商业,交易,生意,行业,顾客,交换 v. 交易,买卖,经商
◇ trade on …利用
trade down 做亏本买卖,冲销
trade off 交替使用
trade on 利用
trade out 出卖
trade up 使熟悉某一行
‖ Act for the Encouragement of Trade 鼓励贸易法(1663年)/adverse balance of trade 贸易逆差
famous trademark 驰名商标
floor trader场内经纪人
Ministry of Foreign Trade 外贸部
reputed trademark 驰名商标
terms of trade 贸易条件
the Trademark Law of People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国商标法
tradable bond 可上市国债
trade (trader’s)acceptance 商业承兑汇票
trade acceptance bills 商业承兑票据
trade account 贸易账户,交易账户
trade account payable 应付货款trade accounts receivable 商业应收账款
trade agency 商务代理
trade agreement 雇佣合同交易协议,贸易协定
Trade Agreement Act贸易协定法案
trade agreement rate of duty贸易协定税率
Trade Agreements Act 贸易协定法(1934 年)/ Trade and Development Board (TDB)联合国贸易与开发委员会
trade and payment agreement 贸易支付协定
trade and payment liberalization 贸易和支付自由化
trade assets 营业资产
trade balance贸易平衡
trade barrier 贸易壁垒
trade bid贸易报价
trade bill 商业票据,商业汇票
trade board 贸易委员会
trade book 普及版图书
trade books 商业账簿
trade bracket贸易等级
trade brand 商号
trade by agreement 协议交易 trade by trade settlement 逐笔结算
trade by type of contract 按贸易合同方式统计的贸易
trade capital 商业资本
trade capital movement 商业资本流动
trade center商业中心,职业训练中心
trade centre 贸易中心
trade clearing method 贸易清算方式
trade conflicts 贸易摩擦
trade counter 批发柜台
trade courses 手工艺训练班
trade credit信用交易,同业贷款
trade credit and advances 商业信贷和预付款
trade creditors 贸易债权人,应收贷款方
trade currency 贸易货币
trade current account 同业往来账户
trade cycle 贸易周期
trade date 交易日
trade debtors 贸易债权人,销售客户
trade debtors accounts receivable 销货客户应收账款
trade deficit 贸易赤字,贸易逆差
trade description 商品说明
trade discount 营业折扣,贸易折扣商业折扣
trade discrimination贸易歧视
trade dispute 劳资纠纷
trade diverting tariff 转移贸易关税
trade dollar 贸易美元
trade edition 普通版
trade education商业(职工)教育
trade expansion 贸易扩张
trade expenses 营业费
trade extension class职业讲习班
trade fair 交易市场,商品交易会
trade financing 贸易资金融通
trade fixture 营业装置
trade foreign exchange 贸易外汇
trade frictions 贸易摩擦
trade gap 贸易差额
trade high school 工艺学校,职业学校
trade-in 旧换新,贴换
trade-in allowance 以旧换新折让,贴换额
trade in coupon倒卖票据
trade in goods 货物贸易
trade in human beings 人贩子
trade in technology 技术贸易
trade industry 商业部门
trade integration 贸易一体化
trade involving the processing of supplied raw materials 加工贸易
trade journal 行业杂志
trade label 商标
trade liabilities 营业负债
trade liberalization贸易自由化
trade magazine 行业杂志
trade management 行业管理
trade mark 商标
trade mark registration 商标注册 trade market 集贸市场
trade matrix 贸易比例矩阵
trade name of the factory 厂商名称
trade negotiations 贸易谈判
trade network 商业网
trade note payable 应付商业票据
trade note receivable 应收商业票据
trade of military products 军品贸易
trade on cash system 现金交易(制度)/ trade on commission 委托交易
trade or business 业务或经营
trade paper 商界报纸
trade partner 贸易伙伴
trade payment 贸易收支
trade policy贸易政策
trade practice 贸易惯例,行业惯例
trade preparatory class 职业预备班
trade price 批发价
trade promotion 贸易促销
trade protection 贸易保护
trade protocol 贸易议定书
trade punches 进行拳击比赛
trade reference 行业介绍
trade region (zone)商业区
trade regulations 贸易条例
trade representative 商务代表
trade representative’s office 商务代表处
trade rights 营业权
trade risks 贸易风险
trade school 中等专业学校
trade secret 商业秘密
trade selling 贸易销售
trade share 交易份额
trade space for time以空间换取时间
trade statistics 商业统计
trade surplus 贸易顺差,贸易盈余
trade talks贸易谈判
trade test 技能测验
Trade Union Act 工会法(1913 年,1927 年,1946 年)/Trade Union Congress 英国职工大会(1868年)/trade union 工会
trade unionism 工会主义,工联主义
Trade Unionism in the US 美国的工联主义
trade value 贸易值
trade value index 贸易值指数
trade volume 贸易量
trade war 贸易战
trade warfare 贸易战
trade zone 贸易区
traded commodities 上市商品
trading account 购销账
trading and profit and loss account 购销损益账
trading area商业区
trading capital 商业资本
trading center 贸易中心
trading certificate 商业执照
trading combine 贸易联盟
trading companies 贸易公司
trading cooperation 贸易公司
trading cooperative 供销合作社
trading day 交易日
trading fund department 营运基金部门; 以营运基金形式运作的部门
trading fund 营运基金
trading house 贸易公司,商行
trading in women and children 拐卖妇女儿童
trading limit 交易限额(价)/trading loss 贸易亏损
trading market 交易市场
trading mechanism 贸易机构
trading of futures commodity 期货交易
trading on an organized exchange 场内交易
trading on curb场外证券交易
trading partner 贸易伙伴
trading pit 交易额
trading ports 通商口岸
trading profit 营业利润
trading profit and loss account 营业损益账户
trading profit and loss statement 损益表
trading range 成交价幅度
trading right 交易权
trading stamp 交易印花,商业印花税
trading statement 销售表
trading station 贸易办事处
trading stock 待销库存
trading surplus 营业盈余
trading value出售价格
trading variation 交易差额
trading volume 交易量
trading year 营业年度
trademark n. 商标
trademark registered 注册商标
trademark registrating 商标注册
trademark registration fee 商标注册费
trademarks transfering 商标转让
trademark leasing 商标转让
trader n. 贸易者,交易商,商人
tradesman n. 商人





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