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Ⅰ ❶ (走路拄的棍子) crutch;cane;walking stick:一位老人在拄着 ~ 走路。 An old man was walking with a cane.
❷ (说数字时用来代替 “七”) a substitute for “seven”
❸ [方] (弯曲处;角) crook;corner:墙 ~ corner of a wall Ⅱ ❶ (转变方向) turn:向右 ~ turn to the right;
当他从大路 ~ 进一条小胡同时,开始下起小雨来。 A thin rain began to fall as he turned from the high road into a narrow lane.
❷ (拐骗) swindle;make off with:~ 款潜逃 abscond with funds
❸ (骗走;非法引走) abduct;kidnap:警察抓住了那个企图 ~ 走这男孩以便勒索赎金的家伙。 The police caught the man who tried to abduct the boy for ransom.
❹ (用臂肘碰) impact by an elbow
❺ (瘸) limp;be lame:一 ~ 一 ~ 地走 limp along;walk with a limp
◆拐脖儿 elbow (of a stove pipe);
拐点 point of inflection;point of inflexion;knee point;break point;kink;spinodal;inflection point;knee;yielding point;
拐钉 dog nail;
拐度 flexion;
拐棍 walking stick;
拐角 corner;turning;
拐卖 abduct and traffic;
拐卖妇女业 white slavery;
拐骗 swindle;abduct;
拐弯 turn a corner;turn;turn round;pursue a new course;corner;turning;
拐弯抹角 equivocate;a roundabout way of talking;beat about the bush;evasive;go beating about [around] the bush;speak indirectly;turn a corner here and there;talk about things without giving a clear answer;talk in a roundabout way;wamble;
拐枣 {植} honey raisin tree;honey tree;
拐杖 crutch;walking stick;crosier;crozier;
拐子 [口] cripple;abductor;swindler;I-shaped reel






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