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单词 operation
释义 operation /.ops'rei/n; , ops're/sn/ n 1 [U] working; way in which sth works. 位转; 操作; 作用; 运行法。 be in/bring sth into/come into be/cause to be/become effective: 生效中 (使生效; 生效): When does the plan come into ~? 该计划何时开始生效? Is this rule in ~ yet? 这条规则开始生效了吗? 2 [C] piece of work; sth (to be) done: 工作; (待) 完成的事 .begin ~s; 开始工作; the ~ of nature, changes brought about by natural forces. 自然力量的作用; 大自然之变化。 3 (usu pl; 通常用复数; colloq abbr 俗语略作 ops) movements of troops, ships, aircraft, etc in warfare or during manoeuvres. (作战或演习中的) 军事行动; 作战行动。' ~s room, from which ~s are controlled; (sing) in code names for military campaigns (。 ~ Overlord) and, by extension, for planned campaigns in industry, commerce, etc: 作战指挥室; (单) 用于代号表示战役或演习名称 (如 Operation Overlord); (工南界等的) 看计划行动: building/banking ~s; 有计鱼的建屋 (存款) 行动; ~s research, to promote greater efficiency in industry. (提高工业效率的) 郁运研究; 作业研究。 4 [C] an ~ (on sb) (for sth), act performed by a surgeon on any part of the body, esp by cutting to take away or deal with a diseased part: 手术: an ~ for appendicitis. 阑尾手术; 割除兰尾。 5 (maths) addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. (数学) 加、减、乘、除等; 运算。 ~al /-fanl; -Jani/ adj 1 of, for, used in, ~s. 操作的; 管理的; 工作的; 军事行动的;' 手术的; 适于操作 (等) 的; 用于操作 (等) 的。 ~al costs/ expenditure, needed for operating (machines, aircraft, etc). 营运成本 (费用) 。 ~al research, into the best ways of using, improving, etc new weapons, machinery, etc. (新武器、机器等的) 更新研究; 营运研究。 2 ready for use: 即可使用的: When will the newly designed airliner be ~时?新设计的客机何肝启用?




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