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单词 拍马屁

拍马屁pāi mǎ pì

be a sycophant; bow and scrape; curry favour with; fawn on; flatter; lavish adulation on sb; lick sb’s boots (/spittle); make fair weather to (/with) sb; make up to sb; soft-soap; play up to; kiss sb’s arse
❍ 他在洋人的圈子里很红,会拍洋人马屁,为他们着想,但表面上冠冕堂皇,一丝也不令人看得出来。(曹禺《明朗的天》11) He is quite popular among the foreigners. He knows how to curry favour and is ready to do anything for them,but he always manages to make himself look like a respectable and dignified man quite above such dealings so that nothing of the kind is discernible.
❍ 蒋校长,你应当为民请命,你应当帮助学生的正义行动,你不该为了自己的饭碗给当局~! (杨沫《青春之歌》603)President Jiang! Ask for the mandate of the people!You ought to help the students’just action,and not make up to the authorities for the sake of your rice bowl!

拍马屁pai ma pi



lick (sb’s) boots;soft-soap;toady to;fawn on





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