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单词 brick
释义 brick /bnk; bnk/ n 1 [C, U] (usu rectangular block of) clay moulded and baked by fire or sun, used for building purposes: SJ: a house made of red ~ (s); 一所杠碑造的房子; a ~ wall. 一道砖墙。 drop a (colloq) do or say sth indiscreet, (俗) 失言; 失礼。 make ~ without straw, attempt a difficult and fruitless task. 做劳而无功的工肩为无米之炊。 '~-bat n piece of ~, esp as a missile: 碎礴; 碑块 (尤指作为武器投掷用者): The Minister collected a lot of ~ bats, (fig) much abuse. (喻) 那部长备受各方的指责。 '~-field, —kiln n field, kiln, in which ~s are made. 砖场; 砖客。 '~-layer n workman who builds with ~s. 礴匠; 泥水匠。 '~ .work n (part of a) structure made of ~. (建 bridges 筑工程中的) 砖工; 砖造部份。 2 child's rectangular block (usu of wood) used for building toy houses, etc. 积木 (儿童玩具) 。 3 ~-shaped block of sth, eg ice-cream. 形状似砖的一块东西 (如冰淇淋砖) 。 4 (colloq) generous or kind-hearted person: (俗) 慷慨的人; 好心的人: You've behaved like a ~. 你的行为表现得像个好心的人。 W [VP15B] ~ up/in, block (an opening) with ~s: 用砖堵住 (洞口): ~ up a window. 用碑将窗户堵住。




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