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[方] (排泄大小便) excrete;discharge (faeces or urine);shit or piss
另见 see also chāi。


❶ (把合在一起的东西打开) tear open;take apart: ~ 机器 disassemble a machine;take a machine apart;strip a machine;~ 信 open a letter
❷ (拆毁;拆除) pull down;dismantle;unknit: ~ 房子 pull down a house;~ 桥 dismantle a bridge;~ 帐篷 strike tents;
把旧毛衣 ~ 了重新织一下 unravel an old sweater and reknit it;~ 房容易盖房难。 It is easier to pull down than to build up.
另见 see also cā。
◆拆白 [方] swindle;
拆白党 [旧] swindlers;
拆除 demolish;dismantle;remove;pull down;
拆穿 expose;see through;unmask;lay bare;
拆掉 take down;
拆东墙,补西墙 tear down the east wall to repair the west wall — to resort to a makeshift solution;mend the west wall by tearing down the east wall;pulling down a wall in the east for bricks to build a wall in the west;reinforce one place at the expense of another;rob one's belly to cover one's back;try very hard to make ends meet;
拆毁 demolish;dismantle;destroy;break [pull;tear;knock] down;{土} demolition;
拆伙 (break up) dissolve a partnership;part company;
拆开 disconnect;unpack;decollate;break up;take apart;open;separate;disas ̄sembly;disconnecting;disconnection;uncoupling;
拆卖 separate (a set of furniture) and sell;
拆迁 remove;have one's house [apartment building] pulled down [dismantled] and move out;
拆迁户 the household of being pulled down and moving to another;
拆墙脚 undermine;pull away a prop;cut the ground from under sb.'s feet;spoil sb.'s little game;
拆散 ([chāi sǎn]) break (a set);deleave;decollate;dismounting;dismemberment;dismantling;disassembly;
拆散 ([chāi sàn]) break up (a marriage,family,etc.);disjoin;
拆台 cut the ground from under sb.'s feet;pull the rug from under sb.'s feet;pull away a prop;undercut;
拆息 a daily interest rate on private loans or deposits;short-term interest;
拆洗 (拆洗衣被) wash (padded coats,quilts,etc.) after removing the padding or lining;unpick and wash;(拆洗机器) strip and clean;
拆线 {医} take out stitches;take out [remove] the suture;(将电话线路断开) clearing;
拆卸 dismantle;disassemble;dismount;tear down;strip;demount;dismounting;disassembly;dismantling;dismantlement;takedown;teardown;knockout;remove;
拆修 overhaul;
拆字 fortune-telling by analysing the component parts of a Chinese character;glyphomancy





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