释义 |
寸步不离cùn bù bù líbe momentarily with;follow sb closely; keep sb by his side all the time;keep close to; never budge an inch from one’s side;not be distant from sb so much as a foot or an inch;not leave sb at any time; refuse to stir from one'sside; stay near at hand ❍ 高俅自此遭际端王,每日跟随,~。(《水浒全传》 14) From this time on Gao Qiu was momentarily w ith the prince. ❍ 你这个人,就该老爷每日合你寸步儿不离才好。(《红楼梦》261)❶ You ought to have the master keeping you b y his side all t he time. ❷You ought to have Uncle Zheng with you every day and never budge an i nch from his side!/宋江便叫两个公人只在交椅后坐,与他~。(《水浒全传》443) Song Jiang told the two guards to sit behind him and he was notdistant from them so much a s a foot or an inch. ❍ 赵氏含着眼泪,日逐煨药煨粥,~。(《儒林外史》68) Every day,with tears in her eyes,Concubine Zhao nursed the sick woman and would not leave her. 寸步不离cùn bù bù lí一步也不离开。follow sb. closely, stay near at hand, be momentarily with, keep close to, tag after |