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单词 披肝沥胆

披肝沥胆pī gān lì dǎn

be loyal and faithful; be open and sincere; be open-hearted; disembosom oneself; open up one’s heart; pour out (/forth) in all sincerity; show sb one’s inmost feelings; speak one’s mind; unbosom (/lay bare)one’s innermost being (/self/soul)
❍ 臣愿披腹心,输肝胆,效愚计,恐足下不能用也。(《史记·淮阴侯列传》2623) I would open my heart and mind to you,exhaust my poor energies,and devise for you a plan,but I fear that you will not heed it.
❍ 不论男和女,老和少,熟人和生人,只要哪一个愿意用心地,或是装作用心地倾听他的有点罗嗦的谈吐,他就会推心置腹,~。(周立波《山乡巨变》42) No matter whether man or woman,young or old,old acquaintance or stranger,as long as they were willing,or pretended to be willing,to listen to his slightly tiresome chatter,he would pour out all his inmost feelings without reserve.
❍ 承变色而起曰:“公乃汉朝皇叔,故剖肝沥胆以相告,公何诈也?”(《三国演义》185) Tong Cheng changed colour and rose from his seat. “You,Sir,are a relative of His Majesty and so I showed you my inmost feelings. Why did you mislead me?”

披肝沥胆pi gan li dan

be loyal and faithful

披肝沥胆pī ɡān lì dǎn

披:揭开;沥:往下滴。形容对人或事非常忠诚;也比喻开诚相见,向对方倾诉心里话。open up one’s heart, speak one’s mind, be openhearted





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