释义 |
披pī ❶ (覆盖或搭在肩背上) drape over one's shoulders; wrap around: 把斗篷 ~ 在肩上 drape a cloak over one's shoulders; ~ 上节日的盛装 be colourfully decorated for the festival; ~ 上衣服 throw on some clothing; ~ 着 ... 外衣 under the cloak of; be clothed in; disguised as; ~ 着棉大衣 have a padded overcoat draped over one's shoulders; 一只 ~ 着羊皮的狼 a wolf in sheep's clothing; ~ 着合法的外衣, 干着非法的勾当 carry on illegal activities under the cloak of legality; 一伙 ~ 着马列主义外衣的政治骗子 a bunch of political swindlers who deck themselves out as Marxist-Leninists ❷ (打开; 散开) open; unroll; spread out: ~ 卷 open a book ❸ (竹木等裂开) split open; crack: 这根竹竿 ~ 了。 The bamboo stick has split. ◆披风 cloak; mantle; mantissa; 披肝沥胆 lay bare [open] one's mind [heart]; bare [open up] one's heart; be loyal and faithful; be open and sincere; disembosom oneself; disclose one's secret feelings; hang one's heart on one's sleeve; reveal one's innermost feelings; speak from the innermost heart; speak the truth straight from one's heart; split one's liver and gall with exertion; unbosom oneself; unbutton one's soul; 披挂 put on a suit of armour; put on one's armour; be in military attire; a suit of armour; 披挂上阵 buckle on one's armour and go into battle; go into action; 披红 drape a band of red silk over sb.'s shoulders; 披红戴花 have red silk draped over one's shoulders and flowers pinned on one's breast; wearing red silk ribbons and red flowers pinned on one's dress; 披甲 put on a asuit of armour; 披坚执锐 well armed with armour and weapons; be fully prepared for battle; be in full armour with spike in hand; be warrior-like; buckle on one's armour and take up weapons — to go forth to battle; put on armour and hold weapons — to be fully armed and ready for combat; wear armour and carry weapons — to be a warrior; wear armour and hold weapons; 披肩 cappa; opera cape; wraps; tippet; {中医} orthopedic shawl; 披荆斩棘 break open a way through bramble and thistle; blaze a way through all manner of obstacles; blaze a new trail through brambles [all difficulties]; blaze trails and break paths; break through brambles and thorns; bushwhack; clear away obstacles in one's way; cultivate land as a pioneer; cut through the brambles; forge ahead through brambles and thorns; hack a way (forward) through all difficulties; hack a way through the brambles; hack at the brambles with one's sword; hack one's way through the jungle and bushes; hack through thorns and thistles; strike off; 披览 [书] open and read (a book); peruse; 披沥 [书] open and sincere; loyal and faithful; 披沥肝胆 open one's heart to a person; be perfectly open and plain; carry [wear] one's heart upon one's sleeve; lay open one's mind; make a clean breast of...; speak one's whole mind; 披露 publish; announce; make public; 披露肝胆 open up one's heart; be openhearted; 披露心腹 disclose a secret; tell one's innermost thoughts; 披麻带[戴]孝 dress in the coarse hempen cloth [garb] of mourning; be in sackcloth and ashes; in deep mourning; put on heavy mourning garments [clothes]; wear a sackcloth gown as a sign of mourning; wear widow's weeds; wear [be dressed in] black; 披靡 be swept by the wind; be blown about by the wind; be routed; flee; put to rout; 披散 (of hair, etc.) hang down loosely; stray; 披沙拣[简]金 obtain gold by washing it from sand and gravel; extract sth. of worth from a miscellany; extract sth. valuable from a conglomerate mass; pan gravel for gold; select from a mixture of fine and coarse [of good and bad]; sift sand for gold; sort out the fine gold from the sand — to extract the essentials from a mass of material; spread out the sand choose gold; wash gold from gravel or from gold — to bearing sand; 披头散发 unkempt; dishevelled; a head with dishevelled hair; have one's hair hanging loose; in disorder; with dishevelled hair; with hair dishevelled; with hair in disarray; with hair straggling over one's shoulders; with one's hair all streaming loose; with one's hair dishevelled; with one's hair hanging loose; 披星戴月 by the light of the moon and the stars; get up by starlight and not to down tools [not knock off work] till the moon rises; go to work before dawn and when one comes home, the moon is up; go to work in the field before dawn and come home after dark; journey during the night; journey [work] under the stars and moon in the night; journey under stars and moon; make a starlit journey; toil night and day; under the canopy of the moon and the stars — to travel by night; with stars as cloak and the moon as hat; work from before dawn till after dark; 披阅 open and read (a book); peruse |