vote;cast a vote
如果赞成和反对的~数相等,则主席的票为决定票。If the votes are equally divided,the Chairman shall have a casting vote./公民~referendum/无记名~ secret ballot/无记名~表决vote by secret ballot/代理~ vote by proxy/不信任~ vote of noconfidence;vote of nonconfidence/去投票处~go to the polls /意向性~ straw poll/~表决take a vote;decide by ballot /~反对vote against;cast dissenting vote/~否决vote down or veto/~通过vote through /~赞成vote for;vote in favor of/~率voter turnout percentage;voting rate /~人数voter turnout/~日polling day;voting (or election)day/~箱ballot box/~站polling booth (or station);the polls