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单词 投机取巧

投机取巧tóu jī qǔ qiǎo

be opportunistic; gain sth by trickery; indulge in manoeuvres; play foul(/false); resort to dubious shifts to further one’sinterests; seize every chance to gain advantage by trickery; take advantage of the moment
❍ 后者总是喜欢~,双方讨好,到处逢迎。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》55) The latter are always opportunistic in their pe rsonal behaviour,carry favour wuth all sides and try to please everybody./……一面又在外交上~,把自己打扮成为反法西斯的英雄。(《毛泽东选集》947) …yet at the same time they indulge in diplomatic manoeuvres,masquerading as anti-fascist heroes.

投机取巧tou ji qu qiao

seize every chance to gain advantage by trickery

投机取巧tóu jī qǔ qiǎo

投机:利用时机钻空子;取巧:玩弄手法,谋求不正当的利益。形容用不正当的手段谋取个人利益;也指不通过个人努力,依靠小聪明来达到自己的目的。be opportunistic, gain by trickery, take advantage of the moment, seek private gain by dishonest means





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