释义 |
winkvi. 1. close both eyes,shut the eyes 闭住两眼,闭上眼睛。 △H.V.5.2.326 (300): “Yet they do wink and yield,as love is blind and enforces.” 可是她们总是闭住双眼顺从的,因为爱情既盲目又逼人。 △2H.VI.2.1.105 (103):“Letme see thine eyes. Wink now; now open them.”让我看看你的眼睛。现在闭上眼;把眼睁开。 △Gent. 1.2.136:“you judge I wink”,你以为我是瞎子。 △Com.3.2.58:“As good to wink,”无异于闭上眼睛。 △L.L.L.1.1.43:“And not be seen to wink of all the day,”白天整天不准闭一下眼。 △Wiv.5.5.54 (48):“I'll wink and couch;”我闭上眼睛躺下来。 2. (of eyes) close,shut (眼睛)闭上。 △Rom.3.2.6:“That runaway's eyes may wink,and Romeo/ Leapto these arms untalked of and unseen!”好让夜游的行人闭上眼睛,以便罗米欧悄悄投入我的怀抱,没人议论,也没人看见! △Mac.1.4.52: “The eye wink at the hand;” i.e.Let my eyes close for a moment and not see what thehand is doing. 手要做的事,眼睛闭上不看。 3. blink (to give the hint) 眨眼睛(暗示)。 △H.V.5.2.332 (306): “I will wink on her to consent,my lord,ifyou will teach her to know my meaning;”我可以向她眨眨眼睛让她同意,陛下,只要你肯教她领会我的意思。 Phrase: wink at: shut one's eyes to,overlook,pass over,ig-nore对…闭眼不看,忽视,忽略。 △Rom.5.3.294:“And Ifor winking at your discords too / Have lost a braceof kinsmen.”我为了对于你们的争执有所忽视,也已经丧失了两位亲戚。 △2H.VI.2.2.69: “Do you as I do in thesedangerous days: / Wink at the Duke of Suffolk'sinsolence,/ At Beaufort's pride,at Somerset'sambition,/At Buckingham,and all the crew ofthem,”在这危机四伏的日子里,你们要像我这样,对于萨福克的无礼,对于波福的骄傲,对于萨默塞特的野心,对于白金汉和他们一伙的一切人,都不去理睬。 △H.V.2.2.54:“If little faults,proceeding on distemper,/Shall not be winked at.”如果对由于酗酒而引起的小小过失尚且不能视而不见。 wink[wiŋk]v. 眨眼,使眼色 ‖ winker n. 指示灯 ◇ easy as winking 极其容易 tip sb. the wink向…透露秘密 wink at sth.假装没有注意到 |