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policyn. 1. statecraft,politics 治国之术,政治。 △H.V.1.1.45:“Turn him to any cause of policy,” i. e. question ofpolitics. 无论什么政治问题一到他的手里。 2. wisdom in the management of public affairs,ad-ministrative skill,statesmanship 管理政事的智慧,管理技能,治国之才。 △H.V.1.2.220:“The name of hardinessand policy.”勇敢顽强和足智多谋的美名。 △2H.VI.1.1.84 (83): “And did my brother Bedford toil his wits,To keep by policy what Henry got?”我的兄长贝德福不是尽心竭力运用治理才能来保持亨利王的获得吗? 3. stratagem,strategy,artifice 谋略,策略,计策。 △L.L.L.5.2.512: “and ’tis some polic y /To haveone show worse than the King’s and his company . ”这不失为一计,演一场比国王及其左右演得更坏的戏。 △Ado.4.1. 200(198):“policy of mind,”内心的谋略,心计。 △As.5.1.62 (55):“I will o’errun thee with policy;”我要用计策制服你。 △1H.VI.3.2.1: “These are the city-gates,the gates of Rouen,/ Through which our poli-cy must make a breach.”这就是城门,卢昂的城门,我们要用计策从这里攻进去。 △1H.VI.3.3. 12: “Search out thywit for secret policies,/ And we will make thee fa-mous through the world,”穷搜你的智慧再想些妙计,我们就可以使你在全世界出名。 △1H.VI.5.4.159: “To say thetruth,it is your policy To save your subjects fromsuch massacre,”说实在话,这只是你的一种政治策略,可以挽救你的臣民不受屠杀。 △2H.VI.3.1.238: “But,in mymind,that were no policy. ”i.e. that would be a poorstratagem. 但是,在我看来,那恐怕不是好办法。 △3H.VI.1.2.56: “Let noble Warwick,Cobham,and the rest,/Whom we have left protectors of the King,/Withpowerful policy strengthen themselves.”让我们留在那里保护国王的高贵的沃里克、考伯姆和其余人运用计谋巩固自己的势力。 4. expediency 权宜之计。 △Tw.3.2.31 (28):“unlessyou do redeem it by some laudable attempt either ofvalour or policy.”除非你做些可赞美的事以自赎,不拘通过勇敢或是通过手段。 △Oth.2.3.276 (273): “a punishmentmore in policy than in malice,”这一惩罚只是手段,并非恶意。 △Oth.3.3.14: “That policy may either last solong,”这权宜之计也许会拖得很久。 5. prudent wisdom in the conduct of public affairs,prudent line of action (处理公共事务中的)审慎,慎重的行动方针。 no policy: not prudent,not wise 不慎重,不明智。 △2H.VI.3.1.23:“Me seemeth then it is no policy,”我看这实在不是明智之举。 6. crafty device. hidden purpose 心机,心计。 △ Shr.2.1.286 (292):“If she be curst,it is for policy,”如果她样子泼辣,那是故意装出来的。 7. political trickery. political craftiness. cunning,in-trigue 政治诡计,政治手腕,狡诈,阴谋。 △1H.IV.1.3.108:“bare and rotten policy”,露骨的腐败权谋。 △2H.IV.4.1.148 (146): “And it proceeds from policy,not love.”这是出于诡计,而不是出于好心。 △H.V.2.Cho. 14: “andwith pale policy / Seek to divert the English purpo-ses.” i. e. Seek to turn the English from their planswith intrigue dictated by cowardice. 想用怯懦的诡计来转移英国人的计划。 △H.VIII.3.2. 260 (259): “Plague ofyour policy!”让你的诡计遭瘟去吧! △2H.VI.4.1.83:“By devilish policy art thou grown great,”你靠着魔鬼般的狡猾手段变成了大人物。 △3H.VI.2.6.65:“’Tis but hispolicy to counterfeit,”这不过是他伪装的诡计。 △3H.VI.5.4.62:“It is his policy /To haste thus fast to find usunprovided.”他的诡计就是这样迅速行动,攻我不备。 8. ❶ administration of government,statecraft 政府管理,治国之术。 ❷ crafty device 狡猾手段,诡计。 △Ham.2.2.46:“or else this brain of mine / Hunts not the trail of policy so sure / As it hath used to do,”除非我这副脑筋不能像往常那样有把握地猎取到治理国家的踪迹。(按:波洛纽斯使用policy的❶义,但莎士比亚同时也暗示 ❷ 义,使观众明白波洛纽斯是一个老奸巨猾的老政客。) 9. ❶ established custom 习尚。 ❷ trick,device 诡计,计策。 △Lr.1.2.50 (46):“This policy and reverence ofage”,i.e. This policy of paying great respect to oldage. 这一种尊敬老年人的习尚(双关:老年人所想出来的这一种诡计)。 policy[ˈpɔlisi]n.政策,保险单,保险凭证 ◇ draw clear lines of demarcation in applying a policy划清政策界限 have a good grasp of policies掌握政策 implement policies落实政策 liberalize the policy放宽政策 relax policies放宽政策 take out a policy on one’s life人保寿险 ‖ accounting policy会计政策 anti-inflation policy反通货膨胀政策 balance-of-payments policy平衡(国际)收支的政策 banking policy银行政策 bargaining policy互惠通商政策 bills-preferable policy优先使用国库券政策 budget drafting policy预算编制方针 compensating fiscal policy补偿性财政政策 contra-inflation policy反通货膨胀政策 credit policy信贷政策 discount policy贴现政策 dividend policy股息分配方针 education in policy政策教育 European Most Favoured Nation policy欧洲最惠国条款政策 exchange allocation policy外汇分配政策 financial policy金融政策 fiscal and monetary policy财政金融政策 fiscal policy财政政策 floating policy总保险单 foreign trade policy对外贸易政策 international monetary policy外汇政策 loan policy放款方针 losses incurred due to policy decisions政策性亏损 national policy国策 peace policy和平政策 policy address施政报告 policy advisory committee政策咨询委员会 policy analysis政策分析 policy area政策范围 policy banks政策银行 policy-based house 政策性住房 policy-based lending政策性贷款 policy bureau决策局 policy clause保险条款 policy concerning overseas Chinese affairs侨务政策 policy consideration政策考虑 policy costs政策性成本 Policy Debate施政报告辩论 policy dilemma政策困境 policy direction政策路向 policy division政策司 policy fee保险单签发手续费 policy guidelines政策准则 policy guiding政策导向 policy holder投保人,保险客户 policy implications政策含义 policy input政策上的意见,政策方面的意见 policy issue政策事项 policy issued basis保险单 policy limits政策界限 policy loan政策性贷款 policy maker决策者 policy making body决策机构 policy making决策,制定政策 policy management reform政策管理改革 policy manual保险手册 policy mix政策组合 policy objective政策目标,施政方针 policy of acculturation同化政策 policy of art文艺方针 policy of assimilation同化政策 policy of control through conciliation怀柔政策 policy of deflation紧缩政策 policy of discount window廉价货币政策 policy of discrimination against the Chinese排华政策 policy of education教育方针 policy of grab掠夺政策 policy of insurance保险单 policy of keeping the people in ignorance愚民政策 policy of national assimilation民族同化政策 policy of national debts国债政策 policy of peace and neutrality和平政策 policy of power实力政策 policy of reforming through labour劳改政策 policy of seclusion闭关自守政策 policy of the big revolver用报复关税威胁他国的政策 policy of the law法律政策 policy output studies政策输出研究 policy paper指导文件 policy paper (green paper or white paper)政策文件〔绿皮书、白皮书〕/ policy parameter政策参数 policy portfolio政策职责 policy programme政策纲领 policy proof of interest保险单证明权益 policy proposal政策建议,施政建议 policy record政策档案 policy-related grain subsidies粮食政策性补贴 policy-related house政策性住房 policy-related loan政策性贷款 policy-related losses政策性亏损 policy relevance政策关联性 policy responsibility制定政策的责任 policy setting决策环境 policy space策略空间 policy statement政策宣言 policy support政策倾斜 policy surveillance政策监督 policy towards nationalities民族政策 policy variables政策变数 policy window贴现窗口 present policy现行政策 protective tariff policy保护关税政策 public policy公共政策 tight financing policy紧缩性财政 |