ratify;approve;sanction; ok (or okay)
《中导条约》及时得到~,使里根能在莫斯科首脑会议时与苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫互换了~书。The INF Treaty was approved in time for President Reagan to exchange the ratification papers with Soviet leader Gorbachev at the Moscow summit meeting./条约递交参议院~。The treaty was presented to the Senate for ratification./不允许无视在~时对条约含义的理解。It is not permitted to disregard understanding of a treaty’s meaning at the time of ratification./阻挠~ block ratification/条约的~ratification of treaty/议会~向…派兵Parliament oked (or okayed)sending troops to…/~报告approve a report/~条约(公约)ratify a treaty(convention)/~通知书notification of approval/~文号registered number of approval;license number/~要求grant a request/~手续ratification process/~国ratifying state/~等于命令ratihabitio mandato aequiparatur[拉]