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单词 panic
panic/′pænɪk/ n;v [-ck-;-ed,-ed/t/]

n 恐(惊)慌(sudden uncontrolled fearesp among many people) [UC]a~decision/price 惊慌失措的决定/恐慌价格;~fear/buying 极度的恐惧/恐慌性抢购;The whole town was in a (state of)~.整个镇子处于恐慌之中。The news of the war filled us with~. 战争的消息使我们一片恐慌。The fire caused (a)~in the cinema. 火灾在电影院中引起一片恐慌。In a~he scrambled to his feet and ran into the other room. 他吓坏了,站起身来奔到另一个房间。 She suddenly got into a~and stopped her car. 她突然感到惊恐,便把车停了下来。〖同〗terror,fear,fright,horror;

panic stations惊慌(的状态)(infml):It was~stations when the alarm sounded. 警报器拉响时,人们一片惊慌。

v (使)受惊,(使)惊慌 ((cause to)become so frightened that one loses the power to think clearly) [IT+n]:In case of fire,don't~. 遇到失火时,千万不要惊慌。The children~ked when they realized they were lost. 孩子们发觉自己迷路时惊慌失措。This idea might~the international bankers. 这个想法可能会使各国银行家惶恐不安。Gunshots~ked the cattle. 枪炮声使牛受惊了。

panic sb into doing sth (常pass)使……受惊而(草率)行事:His words~ked her into taking an action she later regretted. 他的话使她惊慌失措,匆匆采取了一个后来感到懊悔的行动。〖同〗horror,terror,fright;

→′panicky adj 恐慌的;易起恐慌的;′panic-stricken adj 惊慌失措的;






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