释义 |
扶危济困济困扶危;扶危济急fú wēi jì kùndeliver those in danger and help those in need; help the distressed and succour those in peril ❍ 你是最肯济困扶危的人,难道眼睁睁的看着人家来摆布死了我们娘儿们不成? (《红楼梦》293) …you’re always good to those in trouble. Are you going to stand by and watch that woman trample us,mother and child,to death?/这黄文烨平生只是行善事,修桥补路,塑佛斋僧,~,救拔贫苦,那无为军城中,都叫他黄佛子。(《水浒全传》508)This Huang Wen Yi is by nature one who does good deeds.He mends bridges and smooth roads and wherever a god is broken he mends him and he gives food to priests. Those is danger he delivers,those in need he helps and he saves the poor.In the city of Wu Wei Jun they all call him The Yellow Faced God. ❍ 劳形苦心,扶危济急,是贼人的东西,大人们不取的。(鲁迅《故事新编》115) Wearing yourself out body and mind to help those in danger and distress is all very well for the lowborn—not for the great. ❍ 素知将军仗义行仁,~,不想果然如此义气! (《水浒全传》694) Long have I known you were a righteous man and one loved good deeds and to help those who are in need,but I did not know you were so righteous as this. 扶危济困fú wēi jì kùn帮助处境危急者,救济困难者。 help the distressed and succor those in peril, help those in distress and aid those in peril, help poor people in distress |