释义 |
扶fúⅠ ❶ (用手支持不倒下) hold up;support with the hand:~ 床而立 stand leaning on bed;~ 杖 lean on a stick ❷ (用手帮助躺着或倒下的人起来;用手使倒伏物竖直) help sb. up;lend support to;straighten sth. up:~ 起伤员 help the wounded up;~ 苗 straighten up the seedlings ❸ (扶助) help;carry from under:~ 危 help those in distress;~ 灵柩 act as pallbearer Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 卿 Fu Qing ◆扶鞍上马 mount a horse; get into the saddle; 扶壁 {建} counterfort;buttress;spur;abamurus; 扶壁式挡土墙 {建} counterfort wall; 扶病 in spite of illness; 扶不起的阿斗 a lame duck;a disappointing person;a milk- sop;weakling; 扶车 go-cart;walk; 扶持 support with the hand;place a hand on sb. for support;help to sustain;give aid to;help sb. to stand or walk;support; 扶尺员 staffman; 扶倒器 lifting guard;pick-up guard; 扶登 a surname; 扶乩[箕] planchette writing;sciomantic; 扶乩请仙 play a little at calling up spirits; 扶茎器 crop pickup;stalk gatherer;stalk lifter;vine lifter; 扶柩归藉 escort the coffin to the native place of the dead;escort sb.'s coffin back to his native place for burial; 扶栏 {建} guardrail; 扶老携幼 help the aged and (lead) the young;bringing along the old and the young;carry the babies and support the old folk;help the elderly people and children;help the old and guide the young;holding the old by the arm and the young by the hand;support old folk and lead children;support one's old folks and lead one's little ones;support the aged folk and lead the little ones by the hand;support the aged with one's arm and take juveniles by the hand;take the old folk by the arm and lead the children along; 扶犁 put one's hand to the plough;follow the plough; 扶鸾请仙 consult spirits through the planchette; 扶苗 put a lodged plant upright; 扶贫 help [aid] the poor;supporting the poor; 扶贫举措 measures of supporting the poor; 扶贫政策 (the) policy of supporting the poor; 扶弱济危 assist the weak and oppressed; 扶弱抑强 help the weak and restrain the powerful;curb the violent and support the weak;fight for the weak against the strong;prevent the strong from molesting the weak;protect the weak against the strong; 扶桑 a large mulberry;Japan; 扶善惩恶 support kindness,restrain evil; 扶伤救死 heal the wounded and rescue the dying; 扶上马送一程 help sb. to get on horse and escort a distance; 扶手 handrail;rail;balustrade;banisters;armrest;arm; 扶疏 [书] luxuriant and well-spaced;(航梯)扶索 manrope; 扶梯 staircase; 扶突 {穴位} Futu (LI18);扶危定倾 deliver the country from distress; 扶危济困 rescue the desperately poor and help those who were in difficulty;deliver the poor and all those who are oppressed;help the distressed and succor those in peril;help those in danger and relieve those in need;help those in distress and aid those in peril;rescue the endangered and succor the poor;succor the poor and deliver those in distress and danger;support distress and give relief to sb.; 扶养 provide for;foster;bring up; 扶(助)阳 {中医} strengthening yang-qi; 扶阳化浊 {中医} supporting yang to eliminate dampness; 扶阳退阴 {中医} reinforcing yang to eliminate pathogenic factors yin in nature; 扶养成人 bring someone up; 扶养津贴 allowance for dependents; 扶摇 [书] whirlwind; 扶摇羊角 a raging cyclone; 扶摇直上 rise directly to a high position;be mounted [mount] on the wings of a typhoon;be promoted quickly in an official career;be successful in one's official career;get up the social ladder quickly;go flickeringly up the sky as a paper kite;make a rapid success in one's career;on the rapid rise;rise high in the world on the wings of the winds;rise rapidly (in the form of a spiral) as prices during inflation;rise steeply;skyrocket;soar on the wings of a cyclone; 扶掖 [书] support with one's hand;help and support; 扶腋而行 support sb. by the armpit(s) and walk; 扶移 juneberry; 扶优去劣 develop the good and eliminate the bad; 扶馀 a surname; 扶杖 cane; 扶杖而行 walk with the help of a staff [stick];walk on crutches; 扶正 {中医} strengthening the body resistance; 扶正黜邪 {中医} support justice,rid evil; 扶正攻下 {中医} strengthening body resistance and purgation; 扶正解表 {中医} strengthening body resistance and relieving exterior syndrome; 扶正祛邪 {中医} strengthening the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors;strengthening body resistance and eliminating evil; 扶正压邪 uphold the good and suppress the bad; 扶植 foster;prop up; 扶助 help;assist;support |