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单词 前呼后拥

前呼后拥qián hū hòu yōng

with a retinue (/escorts) in front and behind; with many attendants crowding around; with runners clearing the way in front and many attendants following behind
❍ 一伙人上了岸,陈大姐扶新娘进了花轿,她和米保长都坐进小轿里;吹鼓手吹打起来,~的进了村。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》190) After helping the “bride”into the big sedanchair,Miss Chen and Mr Mi mounted the smaller con veyances. The musicians struck up a lively tune and,escorted by the soldiers,the wedding party entered the village.
❍ 马前喝道,~,好不威风气势,耀武扬威,……(鲁迅《中国小说史略》173) Then attendants would clear the way for his horse and the fellow would have a retinue before and behind,with much pomp and glory and display of might,…/明日,又行一程,进了都门,众衙役接着,~的走着。(《红楼梦》1339) The following day he journeyed another stage and re entered the capital,runners before him clearing the way while others of his attendants followed behind.


be escorted by an imposing retinue;be accompanied by numerous retainers; have attendants both in front and behind; have a large entourage
领导人下乡考察不得~。When going down to the countryside to make field studies,leaders shall not be escorted by an imposing retinue.

前呼后拥qián hū hòu yōnɡ

前面有人吆喝着,后面有人簇拥着保护。形容权贵声势浩大。with many attendants crowding round, have a retinue before and behind





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