扮bàn ❶ (化装成) be dressed up as;make up;play the part of;disguise oneself as:~ 男装 play male role; 他 ~ 作一个僧人。 He disguised himself as a monk. 他在戏里 ~ 一位老渔翁。 In the opera he plays the part of an old fisherman. ❷ (面部表情装成) put on an expression:~ 鬼脸 make grimaces;make faces ◆扮戏 (of actors) make up;[旧] perform on stage;play a role in a play;play the part of; 扮相 the appearance of an actor or actress in costume and makeup; 扮演 play the part of;have a role (in a play,etc.);act; 扮装 makeup;disguise
扮fěn [书] ❶ (握) hold;grasp;take by the hand ❷ (合并) merge;amalgamate;combine 另见 see also bàn。 |