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单词 pale
pale/peɪl/ adj [-r/-st]; vi [-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

adj ((脸色)苍白的,没有血色的((of a personhis faceetc)having less colour than normal):have a~face/complexion脸/肤色苍白:She turned/went~with fear (anger,shock)/at the news.她由于吓(气、惊)/听到那消息脸色变得煞白。He looks so~.He must be ill. 他看上去面色苍白,一定是病了。〖同〗colorless,white;〖反〗rosy,flushed;

(2)(指颜色)暗(浅)淡的 ((of colors)closer to white than black;not dark):~green/blue 浅绿/蓝色;〖同〗light;〖反〗dark,deep,vivid;

(3)(指光线)暗淡(微弱)的((of light)not bright;dim;faint):a~moon/sun苍白的月亮/太阳;~sumshine惨淡的阳光;the~light of dusk暮色苍茫;

(4)软弱的;无力的(not as convincing or strong as usual):a~excuse/protest软弱无力的辩解/抗议;The painting was a~affair compared with the actual scene. 这幅画比起实景显得苍白。

→′palely adv 苍白地;暗淡地;′paleness n苍白;青白;

vi 变苍白,失色(become pale)[II+prep(with)(at)]: The sky crimsoned,then~d. 天空变成绯红,然后一片苍白。She~d with anger/shock/fear.她气/惊/吓得面色煞白。 She/Her face~d when we told her the news.当我们把消息告诉她时,她面色变得苍白。He~d at the bad news/the sight of the terrible accident/the thought of how near the examinations were. 听到那个坏消息/看到那个可怕的事故/想到考试即将来临他脸色发白。〖同〗whiten;〖反〗flush,blush;

pale before/beside sth (v prep) (与……在一起)相形见绌,黯然失色(vi):His examination successes~d before those of his friends.他的考试成绩和他朋友们的比较起来相形见绌。The dangers that you mention~beside the risks that these climbers are taking. 你提到的危险比起登山运动员要冒的危险可就微不足道了。





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