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单词 才气过人

才气过人cái qì guò rén

be more brilliant and ambitious than others; of uncommon brilliance; one’s great ability has no pair; one’s talent and ability excel many people
❍ 籍长八尺余,力能扛鼎,~,虽吴中子弟皆已惮籍矣。(《史记·项羽本纪》296) Xiang Yu was over six feet tall and so strong that he could carry a bronze cauldron. He was more brilliant and ambitious than others,so that all the young men in the district stood in awe of him.

才气过人cái qì ɡuò rén

形容才华超越普通的人。one’s wits far beyond the common people, of uncommon brilliance, one’s great ability has no pair





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