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单词 honour


1. fact of being honourable,high reputation光荣,荣誉。
△H.VIII.3.2.182(181):“the honour of it/Does pay the act of it,”(it: being loyal to one’s sovereign.)为人臣者的忠诚定会得到荣誉的报偿。
△Rom.3. 2. 93:“For’tis a throne where honour may be crowned / Solemonarch of the universal earth.”因为那是荣誉独自称王的宝座,普天之下都要瞻仰。
2. sense of honour荣誉感。
△H.VIII.1.1.39:“As I belong to worship and affect / In honour honesty,”我有贵族的身份,荣誉感使我热爱诚实。
3. honourable duty光荣责任。
△H.VIII.5.3.117 (5.2.152):“One that,in all obedience,makes the Church / The chief aim of his honour,” i.e.makes it his chief object to benefit the Church.他,必恭必敬,把谋求教会的利益当做他那光荣职责的主要目标。
4.(personified) person of honour,person of elevated sentiments,person of uprightness有荣誉感的人,有高尚情操的人,正直的人。
△H.VIII.1.2.126:“Things to strike honour sad. ”使得高尚的人听了大为悲伤的事情。
5.high rank,dignity 高贵身份,尊贵。
△ H.VIII.1.1.137:“And from a mouth of honour quite cry down This Ipswich fellow’s insolence;”(Buckingham is emphasizing his nobility.)用我这尊贵的嘴压倒这个伊普斯威契贱种的傲慢无礼。
△H.VIII.2.3.97:“honour’s train / Is longer than his foreskirt.”尊荣后边拖的下摆总比它的前襟要长得多。
6. men of rank and honour有地位有荣誉的人,显贵之人。
△Mac.3.4.40 (39):“Here had we now our country’s honour roofed,”现在我们全国的显贵都会集在这个屋顶之下了。
7. reputation,concern for reputation 名誉,名誉心。
△Oth.5.2.243 (245): “But why should honour outlive honesty?”可是荣誉本身既不存在,还关心名誉干什么?
△H.VIII.4.2.71: “To keep mine honour from corruption,”使我的名誉不致受到歪曲。
8. esteem,respect,homage尊重,尊敬,敬意。
△H.V.3.2.28 (26):“These be good humours! your honour wins bad humours.”这可真算是好脾气! 你对他尊敬,却得到了侮辱。
△ 2H.VI.2.2.61:“That shall salute our rightful sovereign / With honour of his birthright to the crown.”向我们的合法君王致敬,对他那世袭的王位继承权表示崇敬。
△H.VIII.4.2.168 (167): “When I am dead, good wench,Let me be used with honour;” 好姑娘,我死之后,要让人们给我一定的哀荣。
△H.VIII. 5.2.25 (26):“Is this the honour they do one another? / ’ Tis well there’s one above ’em yet.”(one above ’em: God or Henry VIII. )这就是他们彼此之间表示的尊重吗? 幸亏在他们之上还有这么一个人。(按:“一个人”指亨利八世自己或上帝。)9. mark of respect.i. e. not fame but a material reward尊敬的标志,(指)物质报酬。
△ 1H.IV.5.4.144(140): “If your father will do me any honour,so;if not,let him kill the next Percy himself.”如果你父亲给我奖赏,很好;否则下回再来一个波西,就让他去杀好了。
10. chastity,purity贞洁,纯洁。
△Ado.4.1.33:“She’s but the sign and semblance of her honour.”她的贞洁不过是虚有其表。
△H.VIII.2.3.76:“Beauty and honour in her are so mingled.That they have caught the King;”她真是美貌和纯洁一身兼备,难怪把国王吸引住了。
△Oth.4.1.14:“She is protectress of her honour too; / May she give that?”她的名誉(又译:贞洁)也是属于她的;难道名誉(又译:贞洁)也可以送人吗?
child of honour: youth of noble birth promising honour in his future life荣誉的骄子(原指有光辉前程的贵族青年)。
△H.VIII.4.1.5: “Didst thou not tell me,Griffith,as thou led’st me,/ That the great child of hon-our,Cardinal Wolsey,/ Was dead?”葛利菲斯,你刚才搀着我的时候,是不是告诉我说,那位天之骄子,沃尔西红衣主教,死了?
cloth of honour: canopy 华盖。
△H.VIII.4.1.47:“They that bear / The cloth of honour over her,arefour barons / Of the Cinque-Ports.”为她高举着华盖的是五港的四位男爵。
honour's thought: thought of honour,idea of win-ning honour光荣的思想,赢得荣誉的念头。
△H.V.2.Cho.3: “and honour's thought / Reigns solely in the breastof every man.”在每个人心里想的只是为国争光。
in honour: i. e. as a moral duty为了荣誉;(指)作为道德责任。
△Oth.5.2.294 (295): “For nought I did inhate,but all in honour.”因为我所做的事,没有 一件是出于仇恨,都是为了荣誉。
take it upon one's honour: swear by one's honour凭…的名誉起誓。
△Wiv.2.2.13: “I took't upon minehonour thou hadst it not.”我曾以我的名誉为誓你没有拿它。


1. show respect向…表示恭敬。
△1H.VI.5.3.50:“Whoart thou? Say,that I may honour thee.”你是谁? 说吧,我好对你表示恭敬。
2. raise to dignity,ennoble提升(到高官显位),使高贵。
△Mac.1.7.32:“He hath honoured me of late,”他最近还给了我尊荣。





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