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单词 package
package/′pækɪdʒ/ n [-s / ɪz/]; vt [-d, -d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 捆,束,包裹 (wrapped or boxed parcel containing one or more objects) [C]:a~of books/cigarettes/detergent 一包书/香烟/洗涤剂;He had a heavy~on his back. 他背着一个很重的包裹。〖同〗pack,packet,bundle,parcel;

(2)包装容器(如纸盒、纸箱等) (container meant to hold something for storage or transporting) [C]:Follow the directions on the~. 请遵照包装箱上的说明。Do you still have the~this came in? 你还有这件东西来时的包装吗?〖同〗container,wrappings;

(3) 整批交易,一揽子交易 (several parts put together and offered for sale as a single unit) [C] (=package deal):~store(AmE)/tour (不供堂饮)销售瓶装酒的酒店/包办旅游;Their holiday~includes travel,hotel and meals. 他们的包办假日游吃、住、行全包。The price is for the whole~including the computer, two programs and spare disks. 这是包括计算机、两个程序和备用盘的价格。

vt 包装,打包,捆扎 (place in or tie up as a package) [T+n]:Now they~the lettuce in cellophane. 现在他们将生菜用保鲜膜包起来。They~d up their clothes. 他们把衣服包起来。He~d himself as a legend. 他把自己打扮成传奇人物。

←pack n & v;

→′packaging n 包装材料;

【辨异】packagepacketparcelpack 的区别见PACK。





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