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单词 戮力同心

戮力同心lù lì tóng xīn

be united in action; make concerted efforts ; pull together and work hard as a team; unite in a concerted effort; with all might and one mind
❍ 凡我同盟,齐心戮力,以致臣节,必无二志。(《三国演义》 41) We now pledge ourselves to exert our whole strength and act in concerd to the utmost limit of our powers. There must be no disconcerted or selfish action.
❍ 汤誓日:“聿求元圣,与之~,以治天下。”(《墨子·尚贤》)And thus states the "Oath of Tang":"I then sought for the Great Sage,with whom I might unite my strength and mind to govern the empire.”/昔逮我献力,及穆公相好,~申之以盟誓,重之以昏烟。(《左传·成十三年》)In former times,our duke Xi and your duke Mu were on terms of friendship,which they cultivated with all their might and with one mind,adding to it covenants and oaths,and cementing it by the affinities of marriage. /深望我十八省父老兄弟,~,执竿起义,推翻帝制,永建共和。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—262) We hereby call upon our brothers in all the eighteen provinces to stand up in revolt with united might and mind to overthrow the imperial rule and establish an everlasting Republic.

戮力同心lu li tong xin

unite in a concerted effort

戮力同心lù lì tónɡ xīn

戮力:努力。形容齐心合力。unite in a concerted effort, make concerted efforts, be all united and with one mind





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