释义 |
成群结队chéng qún jié duìgang; (large) groups of; horde; in crowds; in flocks; in groups; mob;swarm ❍ 煤窑里,老鼠~。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》26)Our mine was infested with mice. ❍ 那些富贵人家的女客,成群逐队,里里外外,来往不绝,都穿的是锦绣衣服,……(《儒林外史》181)Women from rich and noble families were strolling to and fro here,in small groups,dressed in silk and brocade. ❍ 听说天门、京山、监利、公安、石首那些县,~的饥民大闹。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—158)I’ve heard that large groups of hungry refugees have started riots in our neighbouring counties;…/到晚上,工人们~去听讲。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》32)…and of an evening the workers swarmed to the school. 成群结队chénɡ qún jié duì一群群的人或动物聚集在一起。in groups, mob, in crowds, in a gang, in flocks |