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单词 慌不择路

慌不择路huāng bù zé lù

so filled with fear that one flees in any path he can without heeding which way he chooses; make haste without considering upon what road one strikes; not know where one is going in one’s panic
❍ 看看天色将晚,脚又疼,肚子饥,正是~,望山僻小径只顾走。(《水浒全传》771) He saw that the sky was darkening to night and his feet ached and he was hungry and truly he was so confused that he could not choose a path to go. At last,seeing a small path leading through a ravine,he went thither.
❍ 正是~,众军各自逃走。(《水浒全传》807) Now truly was he so filled with fear that he fled in any path he could without heeding which he chose. And so did every soldier flee for his life.
❍ 正是~,走了一个更次。(《水浒全传》639) Thus they made haste without considering upon what road they struck and they had gone on for about two hours.
❍ 换了青衣小帽, 黑夜逃走。真乃~,……(《儒林外史》106) Then,changing into blue clothes and a small cloth cap,he fled by night,not knowing in his panic where he was going.

慌不择路huānɡ bù zé lù

择:选择、挑选。在慌乱中,来不及选择,有路就逃。比喻极度紧张,来不及权衡利弊关系。someone fled in any path he(she) could without heeding which he(she) chose





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